Fri, 16 Feb 2024

Conferences and networking

Naomi Andrew, Jane Coons, Antonio Esposito, Romain Ruzziconi
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

Conferences and networking are important parts of academic life, particularly early in your academic career.  But how do you make the most out of conferences?  And what are the does and don'ts of networking?  Learn about the answers to these questions and more in this panel discussion by postdocs from across the Mathematical Institute.

Tue, 04 Jun 2024

14:30 - 15:00


Georg Maierhofer
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))


Tue, 05 Mar 2024

14:30 - 15:00

Error Bound on Singular Values Approximations by Generalized Nystrom

Lorenzo Lazzarino
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

We consider the problem of approximating singular values of a matrix when provided with approximations to the leading singular vectors. In particular, we focus on the Generalized Nystrom (GN) method, a commonly used low-rank approximation, and its error in extracting singular values. Like other approaches, the GN approximation can be interpreted as a perturbation of the original matrix. Up to orthogonal transformations, this perturbation has a peculiar structure that we wish to exploit. Thus, we use the Jordan-Wieldant Theorem and similarity transformations to generalize a matrix perturbation theory result on eigenvalues of a perturbed Hermitian matrix. Finally, combining the above,  we can derive a bound on the GN singular values approximation error. We conclude by performing preliminary numerical examples. The aim is to heuristically study the sharpness of the bound, to give intuitions on how the analysis can be used to compare different approaches, and to provide ideas on how to make the bound computable in practice.

Tue, 20 Feb 2024

14:00 - 14:30

Tensor Methods for Nonconvex Optimization using Cubic-quartic regularization models

Wenqi Zhu
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

High-order tensor methods for solving both convex and nonconvex optimization problems have recently generated significant research interest, due in part to the natural way in which higher derivatives can be incorporated into adaptive regularization frameworks, leading to algorithms with optimal global rates of convergence and local rates that are faster than Newton's method. On each iteration, to find the next solution approximation, these methods require the unconstrained local minimization of a (potentially nonconvex) multivariate polynomial of degree higher than two, constructed using third-order (or higher) derivative information, and regularized by an appropriate power of the change in the iterates. Developing efficient techniques for the solution of such subproblems is currently, an ongoing topic of research,  and this talk addresses this question for the case of the third-order tensor subproblem.

In particular, we propose the CQR algorithmic framework, for minimizing a nonconvex Cubic multivariate polynomial with  Quartic Regularisation, by sequentially minimizing a sequence of local quadratic models that also incorporate both simple cubic and quartic terms. The role of the cubic term is to crudely approximate local tensor information, while the quartic one provides model regularization and controls progress. We provide necessary and sufficient optimality conditions that fully characterise the global minimizers of these cubic-quartic models. We then turn these conditions into secular equations that can be solved using nonlinear eigenvalue techniques. We show, using our optimality characterisations, that a CQR algorithmic variant has the optimal-order evaluation complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ when applied to minimizing our quartically-regularised cubic subproblem, which can be further improved in special cases.  We propose practical CQR variants that judiciously use local tensor information to construct the local cubic-quartic models. We test these variants numerically and observe them to be competitive with ARC and other subproblem solvers on typical instances and even superior on ill-conditioned subproblems with special structure.

Tue, 06 Feb 2024

14:30 - 15:00

Computing $H^2$-conforming finite element approximations without having to implement $C^1$-elements

Charlie Parker
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

Fourth-order elliptic problems arise in a variety of applications from thin plates to phase separation to liquid crystals. A conforming Galerkin discretization requires a finite dimensional subspace of $H^2$, which in turn means that conforming finite element subspaces are $C^1$-continuous. In contrast to standard $H^1$-conforming $C^0$ elements, $C^1$ elements, particularly those of high order, are less understood from a theoretical perspective and are not implemented in many existing finite element codes. In this talk, we address the implementation of the elements. In particular, we present algorithms that compute $C^1$ finite element approximations to fourth-order elliptic problems and which only require elements with at most $C^0$-continuity. We also discuss solvers for the resulting subproblems and illustrate the method on a number of representative test problems.

Tue, 06 Feb 2024

14:00 - 14:30

Fast High-Order Finite Element Solvers on Simplices

Pablo Brubeck Martinez
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

We present new high-order finite elements discretizing the $L^2$ de Rham complex on triangular and tetrahedral meshes. The finite elements discretize the same spaces as usual, but with different basis functions. They allow for fast linear solvers based on static condensation and space decomposition methods.

The new elements build upon the definition of degrees of freedom given by (Demkowicz et al., De Rham diagram for $hp$ finite element spaces. Comput.~Math.~Appl., 39(7-8):29--38, 2000.), and consist of integral moments on a symmetric reference simplex with respect to a numerically computed polynomial basis that is orthogonal in both the $L^2$- and $H(\mathrm{d})$-inner products ($\mathrm{d} \in \{\mathrm{grad}, \mathrm{curl}, \mathrm{div}\}$).

On the reference symmetric simplex, the resulting stiffness matrix has diagonal interior block, and does not couple together the interior and interface degrees of freedom. Thus, on the reference simplex, the Schur complement resulting from elimination of interior degrees of freedom is simply the interface block itself.

This sparsity is not preserved on arbitrary cells mapped from the reference cell. Nevertheless, the interior-interface coupling is weak because it is only induced by the geometric transformation. We devise a preconditioning strategy by neglecting the interior-interface coupling. We precondition the interface Schur complement with the interface block, and simply apply point-Jacobi to precondition the interior block.

The combination of this approach with a space decomposition method on small subdomains constructed around vertices, edges, and faces allows us to efficiently solve the canonical Riesz maps in $H^1$, $H(\mathrm{curl})$, and $H(\mathrm{div})$, at very high order. We empirically demonstrate iteration counts that are robust with respect to the polynomial degree.

Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Lecture Room 4, Mathematical Institute

Duality of causal distributionally robust optimization

Yifan Jiang
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

In this talk, we investigate distributionally robust optimization (DRO) in a dynamic context. We consider a general penalized DRO problem with a causal transport-type penalization. Such a penalization naturally captures the information flow generated by the models. We derive a tractable dynamic duality formula under a measure theoretic framework. Furthermore, we apply the duality to distributionally robust average value-at-risk and stochastic control problems.

Tue, 21 Nov 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Beyond i.i.d. weights: sparse and low-rank deep Neural Networks are also Gaussian Processes

Thiziri Nait Saada
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

The infinitely wide neural network has been proven a useful and manageable mathematical model that enables the understanding of many phenomena appearing in deep learning. One example is the convergence of random deep networks to Gaussian processes that enables a rigorous analysis of the way the choice of activation function and network weights impacts the training dynamics. In this paper, we extend the seminal proof of Matthews (2018) to a larger class of initial weight distributions (which we call "pseudo i.i.d."), including the established cases of i.i.d. and orthogonal weights, as well as the emerging low-rank and structured sparse settings celebrated for their computational speed-up benefits. We show that fully-connected and convolutional networks initialized with pseudo i.i.d. distributions are all effectively equivalent up to their variance. Using our results, one can identify the Edge-of-Chaos for a broader class of neural networks and tune them at criticality in order to enhance their training.

Tue, 14 Nov 2023
Lecture Room 4

DPhil Presentations

Sarah-Jean Meyer, Satoshi Hayakawa
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

As part of the internal seminar schedule for Stochastic Analysis for this coming term, DPhil students have been invited to present on their works to date. Student talks are 20 minutes, which includes question and answer time. 


Students presenting are:

Sara-Jean Meyer, supervisor Massimiliano Gubinelli

Satoshi Hayakawa, supervisor Harald Oberhauser 

Mon, 20 Nov 2023

Recent developments on evolution PDEs on graphs

Antonio Esposito
(Mathematical Institute (University of Oxford))

The seminar concerns the study of evolution equations on graphs, motivated by applications in data science and opinion dynamics. We will discuss graph analogues of the continuum nonlocal-interaction equation and interpret them as gradient flows with respect to a graph Wasserstein distance, using Benamou--Brenier formulation. The underlying geometry of the problem leads to a Finslerian gradient flow structure, rather than Riemannian, since the resulting distance on graphs is actually a quasi-metric. We will address the existence of suitably defined solutions, as well as their asymptotic behaviour when the number of vertices converges to infinity and the graph structure localises. The two limits lead to different dynamics. From a slightly different perspective, by means of a classical fixed-point argument, we can show the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a larger class of nonlocal continuity equations on graphs. In this context, we consider general interpolation functions of the mass on the edges, which give rise to a variety of different dynamics. Our analysis reveals structural differences with the more standard Euclidean space, as some analogous properties rely on the interpolation chosen. The latter study can be extended to equations on co-evolving graphs. The talk is based on works in collaboration with G. Heinze (Augsburg), L. Mikolas (Oxford), F. S. Patacchini (IFP Energies Nouvelles), A. Schlichting (University of Münster), and D. Slepcev (Carnegie Mellon University). 

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