Thu, 12 Oct 2023

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Hermitian preconditioning for a class of non-Hermitian linear systems

Nicole Spillane
(Ecole Polytechnique (CMAP))

This work considers weighted and preconditioned GMRES. The objective is to provide a way of choosing the preconditioner and the inner product, also called weight, that ensure fast convergence. The main focus of the article is on Hermitian preconditioning (even for non-Hermitian problems).

It is indeed proposed to choose a Hermitian preconditioner H, and to apply GMRES in the inner product induced by H. If moreover, the problem matrix A is positive definite, then a new convergence bound is proved that depends only on how well H preconditions the Hermitian part of A, and on a measure of how non-Hermitian A is. In particular, if a scalable preconditioner is known for the Hermitian part of A, then the proposed method is also scalable. I will also illustrate this result numerically.

Thu, 14 Feb 2019

The nonlinear Schrödinger problem and its connection with Mean Field Games

Giovanni Conforti
(Ecole Polytechnique (CMAP))

In this talk, we study the long time behaviour of a cloud of weakly interacting Brownian particles, conditionally on the observation of their initial and final configuration. In particular, we connect this problem, which may be regarded as a nonlinear version of the Schrödinger problem, to the study of the long time behaviour of Mean Field Games. Combining tools from optimal transport and stochastic control we prove convergence towards the equilibrium configuration and establish convergence rates. A key ingredient to derive these results is a new functional inequality, which generalises Talagrand’s inequality to the entropic transportation cost.

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