Thu, 13 Oct 2022

15:00 - 16:00

The definable (p,q) theorem for NIP theories

Itay Kaplan
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

I will discuss the following statement, a definable version of the (p,q) theorem of Jiří Matoušek from combinatorics, conjectured by Chernikov and Simon:

Suppose that T is NIP and that phi(x,b) does not fork over a model M. Then there is some formula psi(y) in tp(b/M) such that the partial type {phi(x,b’) : psi(b’)} is consistent.

Thu, 14 Oct 2021

Forking independence in the free group

Chloé Perin
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Sela proved in 2006 that the (non abelian) free groups are stable. This implies the existence of a well-behaved forking independence relation, and raises the natural question of giving an algebraic description in the free group of this model-theoretic notion. In a joint work with Rizos Sklinos we give such a description (in a standard fg model F, over any set A of parameters) in terms of the JSJ decomposition of F over A, a geometric group theoretic tool giving a group presentation of F in terms of a graph of groups which encodes much information about its automorphism group relative to A. The main result states that two tuples of elements of F are forking independent over A if and only if they live in essentially disjoint parts of such a JSJ decomposition.

Thu, 17 Jun 2021

Compressible types in NIP theories

Itay Kaplan
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

I will discuss compressible types and relate them to uniform definability of types over finite sets (UDTFS), to uniformity of honest definitions and to the construction of compressible models in the context of (local) NIP. All notions will be defined during the talk.
Joint with Martin Bays and Pierre Simon.

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