Tue, 01 Mar 2022

15:30 - 16:30

CLTs for Pair Dependent Statistics of Circular Beta Ensembles

Ander Aguirre
(University of California Davis)

In this talk, we give an overview of recent results on the fluctuation of the statistic $\sum_{i\neq j} f(L_N(\theta_i-\theta_j))$ for the Circular Beta Ensemble in the global, mesoscopic and local regimes. This work is morally related to Johansson's 1988 CLT for the linear statistic $\sum_i f(\theta_i)$ and Lambert's subsequent 2019 extension to the mesoscopic regime. The special case of the CUE ($\beta=2$) in the local regime $L_N=N$ is motivated by Montgomery's study of pair correlations of the rescaled zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Our techniques are of combinatorial nature for the CUE and analytical for $\beta\neq2$.

Mon, 07 Mar 2022

Some applications of the geometry of surfaces to Biology

Joel Hass
(University of California Davis)

Abstract: Almost everything we encounter in our 3-dimensional world is a surface - the outside of a solid object. Comparing the shapes of surfaces is, not surprisingly, a fundamental problem in both theoretical and applied mathematics. Results from the mathematical theory of surfaces are now being used to study objects such as bones, brain cortices, proteins and biomolecules.  This talk will discuss recent joint work with Patrice Koehl that introduces a new metric on the space of Riemannian surfaces of genus-zero and some applications to biological surfaces.

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