Mon, 22 Apr 2024

13:00 - 14:00

Mathematrix: Taboo Topics


Join us for our first event of term to discuss those topics which are slightly taboo. We’ll be talking about periods, pregnancy, chronic illness, gender identity... This event is open to all but we will be taking extra steps to make sure it is a safe space for everyone. 

Mon, 29 Jan 2024

13:00 - 14:00

Mathematrix: Standing up for your Rights


We will be joined by Tim LaRock, president of the UCU, to talk about everything money and work related, and how these issues intersect with being a minority. Lunch will be provided. 

Thu, 15 Feb 2024

Coulomb and Higgs Phases of G2 Manifolds

Daniel Baldwin

We will discuss the physics of M-theory compactifications onto G2-orbifolds of the type that can be desingularised via the method of Joyce and Karigiannis i.e. orbifolds where one has a singular locus of A1 singularities that admits a nowhere-vanishing (Z2-twisted) harmonic 1-form. Interestingly, there are topologically distinct desingularisations of such orbifolds which we show can be physically interpreted as different branches of the 4d vacuum moduli space of the arising gauge theories: Coulomb and Higgs branches. The results suggest generalisations of the results of Joyce and Karigiannis to G2-orbifolds with more diverse ADE singularities and higher order twists. As a bonus, we also get an isomorphism between the moduli space of flat connections on flat compact 3-manifolds and the moduli space of Ricci flat metrics on the G2-orbifolds. We will briefly discuss this. Based on 2309.12869 and 2312.12311.


Thu, 07 Mar 2024

Physics Applications of Higher Symmetries

Alison Warman

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 29 Feb 2024

Geometric Quantization

Adam Kmec

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 22 Feb 2024

Symplectic Reduction

Marta Bucca

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

Mellin Amplitudes and Holography

Maria Nocchi

Junior Strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Mon, 15 Jan 2024

13:00 - 14:00

Mathematrix: Interview Discussion


Join us for a discussion about preparing for PhD and PostDoc Interviews. We will be talking to Melanie Rupflin and Mura Yakerson.

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