Tue, 14 Mar 2017

12:00 - 13:30

Differential topology of exotic fermions in semimetals

Guo Chuan Thiang

The "Weyl fermion" was discovered in a topological semimetal in
2015. Its mathematical characterisation turns out to involve deep and subtle
results in differential topology. I will outline this theory, and explain
some connections to Euler structures, torsion of manifolds,
and Seiberg-Witten invariants. I also propose interesting generalisations
with torsion topological charges arising from Kervaire semicharacteristics
and ``Quaternionic'' characteristic classes.

Mon, 09 Feb 2015

Automorphism and isometry groups of Higgs bundle moduli spaces

David Baraglia

The moduli space of Higgs bundles on a hyperbolic Riemann surface is a complex analytic variety which has a hyperkahler metric on its smooth locus. As such it has several associated symmetry groups including the group of complex analytic automorphisms and the group of isometries. I will discuss the classification of these and some other related groups.

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