Fri, 25 Apr 2008

12:00 - 13:00

Metricity in projective geometry.

Dr Maciej Dunajski

Cover a plane with curves, one curve through each point

in each direction. How can you tell whether these curves are

the geodesics of some metric?

This problem gives rise to a certain closed system of partial

differential equations and hence to obstructions to finding such a

metric. It has been an open problem for at least 80 years. Surprisingly

it is harder in two dimensions than in higher dimensions. I shall present

a solution obtained jointly with Robert Bryant and Mike Eastwood.

Mon, 09 Jun 2008
Oxford-Man Institute

Brownian Entropic Repulsion

Dr Nathanael Berestycki

We consider one-dimensional Brownian motion conditioned (in a suitable

sense) to have a local time at every point and at every moment bounded by some fixed constant. Our main result shows that a phenomenon of entropic repulsion occurs: that is, this process is ballistic and has an asymptotic velocity approximately 4.5860... as high as required by the conditioning (the exact value of this constant involves the first zero of a Bessel function). I will also describe other conditionings of Brownian motion in which this principle of entropic repulsion manifests itself.

Joint work with Itai Benjamini.

Tue, 04 Mar 2008

"Ramsey numbers of sparse graphs"

David Conlon

Let d be a fixed natural number. There is a theorem, due to Chvátal, Rodl,

Szemerédi and Trotter (CRST), saying that the Ramsey number of any graph G

with maximum degree d and n vertices is at most c(d)n, that is it grows

linearly with the size of n. The original proof of this theorem uses the

regularity lemma and the resulting dependence of c on d is of tower-type.

This bound has been improved over the years to the stage where we are now

grappling with proving the correct dependency, believed to be an

exponential in d. Our first main result is a proof that this is indeed the

case if we assume additionally that G is bipartite, that is, for a

bipartite graph G with n vertices and maximum degree d, we have r(G)

Mon, 04 Feb 2008

Ramsey numbers of sparse graphs

David Conlon

Let d be a fixed natural number. There is a theorem, due to Chvátal, Rodl,

Szemerédi and Trotter (CRST), saying that the Ramsey number of any graph G

with maximum degree d and n vertices is at most c(d)n, that is it grows

linearly with the size of n. The original proof of this theorem uses the

regularity lemma and the resulting dependence of c on d is of tower-type.

This bound has been improved over the years to the stage where we are now

grappling with proving the correct dependency, believed to be an

exponential in d. Our first main result is a proof that this is indeed the

case if we assume additionally that G is bipartite, that is, for a

bipartite graph G with n vertices and maximum degree d, we have r(G)

Mon, 10 Mar 2008

11:00 - 12:00

Local geometry of the G2 moduli space

Sergey Grigorian
Abstract: We consider deformations of torsion-free $ G_2 $ structures, defined by the $ G_2 $-invariant 3-form $ \phi $ and compute the expansion of the Hodge star of $ \phi $ to fourth order in the deformations of $ \phi $. By considering M-theory compactified on a $ G_2 $ manifold, the $ G_2 $ moduli space is naturally complexified, and we get a Kahler metric on it. Using the expansion of the Hodge star of $ \phi $ we work out the full curvature of this metric and relate it to the Yukawa coupling.
Mon, 21 Jan 2008

11:00 - 12:00

Mirror Mediation

Joseph Conlon
Abstract: I show that the effective action of string compactifications has astructure that can naturally solve the supersymmetric flavour and CP problems. At leading order in the $g_s$ and $\alpha'$ expansions, the hidden sector factorises. The moduli space splits into two mirror parts that depend on K\"ahler and complex structure moduli. Holomorphy implies the flavour structure of the Yukawa couplings arises in only one part. In type IIA string theory flavour arises through the K\"ahler moduli sector and in type IIB flavour arises through the complex structure moduli sector. This factorisation gives a simple solution to the supersymmetric flavour and CP problems: flavour physics is generated in one sector while supersymmetry is broken in the mirror sector. This mechanism does not require the presence of gauge, gaugino or anomaly mediation and is explicitly realised by phenomenological models of IIB flux compactifications.
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