Forthcoming events in this series

Fri, 16 Jun 2017

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

Lisa Lamberti + Jaroslav Fowkes
(Mathematical Insitute, Oxford)

Lisa Lamberti

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Geometric models in algebra and beyond

Many phenomena in mathematics and related sciences are described by geometrical models.

In this talk, we will see how triangulations in polytopes can be used to uncover combinatorial structures in algebras. We will also glimpse at possible generalizations and open questions, as well as some applications of geometric models in other disciplines.

Jaroslav Fowkes

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Optimization Challenges in the Commercial Aviation Sector

The commercial aviation sector is a low-margin business with high fixed costs, namely operating the aircraft themselves. It is therefore of great importance for an airline to maximize passenger capacity on its route network. The majority of existing full-service airlines use largely outdated capacity allocation models based on customer segmentation and fixed, pre-determined price levels. Low-cost airlines, on the other hand, mostly fly single-leg routes and have been using dynamic pricing models to control demand by setting prices in real-time. In this talk, I will review our recent research on dynamic pricing models for the Emirates route network which, unlike that of most low-cost airlines, has multiple routes traversing (and therefore competing for) the same leg.

Fri, 02 Jun 2017

16:00 - 17:00

How to shine in an interview

Rachel Bray
(Careers Service University of Oxford)

In this session we will refresh our understanding of the purpose of an interview, review some top tips, and practise answering some typical interview questions. Rachel will also signpost further resources on interview preparation available at the Careers Service.

Fri, 26 May 2017

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

Erik Panzer + Yuji Nakatsukasa
(Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford)


Erik Panzer

Feynman integrals, graph polynomials and zeta values

Where do particle physicists, algebraic geometers and number theorists meet?

Feynman integrals compute how elementary particles interact and they are fundamental for our understanding of collider experiments. At the same time, they provide a rich family of special functions that are defined as period integrals, including special values of certain L functions.

In the talk I will give the definition of Feynman integrals via graph polynomials and discuss some examples that evaluate to values of the Riemann zeta function. Then I will discuss some of the interesting questions in this field and mention some of the techniques that are used to study these.


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Yuji Nakatsukasa

Computing matrix eigenvalues

The numerical linear algebra community solves two main problems: linear systems, and eigenvalue problems. They are both vastly important; it would not be too far-fetched to say that most (continuous) problems in scientific computing eventually boil down to one or both of these.

This talk focuses on eigenvalue problems. I will first describe some of their applications, such as Google's PageRank, PCA, finding zeros and poles of functions, and global optimization. I will then turn to algorithms for computing eigenvalues, namely the classical QR algorithm---which is still the basis for state-of-the-art. I will emphasize that the underlying mathematics is (together with the power method and numerical stability analysis) rational approximation theory.

Fri, 19 May 2017

16:00 - 17:00

A conversation with Uta Frith and Maria Bruna

Professor Uta Frith and Dr Maria Bruna

Professor Uta Frith FRS is a distinguished developmental psychologist who is well known for her pioneering research on autism spectrum disorders. She also has a long-standing interest in matters relating to diversity in science, and is the Chair of the Royal Society's Diversity Committee. Oxford Mathematician Dr Maria Bruna is a Junior Research Fellow in Mathematics at St John's College, and has won prizes such as the L'Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland For Women in Science Fellowship and the Olga Taussky Pauli Fellowship, Wolfgang Pauli Institute. This informal discussion will no doubt include a range of topics -- but it is hard to say in advance where the conversation might go!

Fri, 05 May 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Managing expectations

Alan Percy
(Counselling Service University of Oxford)

Alan is the Head of Counselling at the University of Oxford.  He will talk about the importance of managing expectations and not having rigid expectations, about challenging perfectionism, and about building emotional resilience through adaptability and compassion.

Fri, 21 Apr 2017

16:00 - 17:00

3 minutes to explain your work

Dyrol Lumbard and Vicky Neale

Research takes a long time while the attention span of the world is apparently decreasing, so today's researchers need to be able to get their message across quickly and succinctly. In this session we'll share some tips on how to communicate the key messages of your work in just a few minutes, and give you a chance to have a go yourself.  This will be helpful for job and funding applications and interviews, and also for public engagement. In September there will be an opportunity to do it for real, for our alumni, when we'll showcase Oxford Mathematics at the Alumni Weekend.

Fri, 10 Mar 2017

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

Daniele Celoria + Mariano Beguerisse
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

Categorification of knot polynomials -- Daniele Celoria

Classically, the most powerful and versatile knot invariants take the form of polynomials. These can usually be defined by simple recursive equations, known as skein relations; after giving the main examples of polynomial knot invariants (Alexander and Jones polynomials), we are going to informally introduce categorifications. Finally we are going to present the Knot Floer and the Khovanov homologies, and show that they provide a categorification of the aforementioned polynomial knot invariants.

Network science for online social media: an x-ray or a stethoscope for society -- Mariano Beguerisse

The abundance of data from social media outlets such as Twitter provides the opportunity to perform research at a societal level at a scale unforeseen. This has spurred the development of mathematical and computational methods such as network science, which uses the formalism and language of graph theory to study large systems of interacting agents. In this talk, I will provide a sketch of network science and its application to study online social media. A number of different networks can be constructed from Twitter data, which can be used to ask questions about users, ranging from the structural (an 'x-ray' to see how societies are connected online) to the topical ('stethoscope' to feel how users interact in the context of specific event). I will provide concrete examples from the UK riots of 2011, applications to medical anthropology, and political referenda, and will also highlight distinct challenges such as the directionality of connections, the size of the network, the use of temporal information and text, all of which are active areas of research.

Fri, 24 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00


Alison Trinder and Dave Hewett

Do you find yourself agreeing to things when actually you want more – or less? In this session we will look at how to be clear about what you want, and how to use assertiveness and negotiation skills and strategies to achieve win-win outcomes when working with others. 

Fri, 17 Feb 2017

17:00 - 18:00

InFoMM The Reddick Lecture

Tom Hebbert
(Supply Chain Director at Tesco PLC)

Data science: The secret to unlocking operational performance within the UK’s largest retail supply chain


Chris Reddick was instrumental in setting up the InFoMM CDT. After helping secure the EPSRC funding he chaired the Industrial Engagement Committee and supported the CDT in all its Industrial relations. The success of the CDT, as evidenced by the current size of the industrial partnership and the vibrant programme we have developed, is in no small part due to Chris' charm, vision, and tenacity.

Fri, 17 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Why bother with divisional training and development?

Justin Hutchence
(MPLS Division University of Oxford)

This session will look at the range of courses available to early career researchers and graduate students from MPLS. It will also discuss the benefits of training and development for researchers and how it can help you in enhancing your career inside and outside academia.

Fri, 03 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Careers beyond academia: a panel discussion


Peter Grindrod, Director of the Oxford-Emirates Data Science Lab, Oxford Mathematical Institute

 I am an innovator and a strategist.

Geraint Lloyd, Senior Software Engineer, Schlumberger

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Mick Pont, VP Research and Development, Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)

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Anna Railton, Technical Staff, Smith Institute

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Michele Taroni, Senior Project Manager, Roxar

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Fri, 20 Jan 2017

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

David Hume + Neave O'Clery
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

A continuum of expanders -- David Hume

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Expanders are a holy grail of networking; robustly connected networks of arbitrary size which require minimal resources. Like the grail, they are also notoriously difficult to construct. In this talk I will introduce expanders, give a brief overview of just a few aspects of their diverse history, and outline a very recent result of mine, which states that there are a continuum of expanders with fundamentally different large-scale geometry.

What makes cities successful? A complex systems approach to modelling urban economies -- Neave O'Clery

Image of Neave O'Clery

Urban centres draw a diverse range of people, attracted by opportunity, amenities, and the energy of crowds. Yet, while benefiting from density and proximity of people, cities also suffer from issues surrounding crime, congestion and density. Seeking to uncover the mechanisms behind the success of cities using novel tools from the mathematical and data sciences, this work uses network techniques to model the opportunity landscape of cities. Under the theory that cities move into new economic activities that share inputs with existing capabilities, path dependent industrial diversification can be described using a network of industries. Edges represent shared necessary capabilities, and are empirically estimated via flows of workers moving between industries. The position of a city in this network (i.e., the subnetwork of its current industries) will determine its future diversification potential. A city located in a central well-connected region has many options, but one with only few peripheral industries has limited opportunities.

We develop this framework to explain the large variation in labour formality rates across cities in the developing world, using data from Colombia. We show that, as cities become larger, they move into increasingly complex industries as firms combine complementary capabilities derived from a more diverse pool of workers. We further show that a level of agglomeration equivalent to between 45 and 75 minutes of commuting time maximizes the ability of cities to generate formal employment using the variety of skills available. Our results suggest that rather than discouraging the expansion of metropolitan areas, cities should invest in transportation to enable firms to take advantage of urban diversity.

This talk will be based on joint work with Eduardo Lora and Andres Gomez at Harvard University.

Fri, 25 Nov 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Academic careers: a panel discussion



Professor Alison Etheridge, Professor of Probability in the Mathematical Institute and Department of Statistics, Oxford

Professor Ben Green, Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics, Oxford

Picture of Ben Green

Dr Heather Harrington, Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Mathematical Institute, Oxford

Image of Prof. Heather Harrington

Professor Jon Keating, Henry Overton Wills Professor of Mathematics, Bristol and Chair of the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research

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Dr Christopher Voyce, Head of Research Facilitation in the Mathematical Institute, Oxford


Fri, 18 Nov 2016

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

James Maynard + Thomas Woolley
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

Approximate prime numbers -- James Maynard

I will talk about the idea of an 'almost prime' number, and how this can be used to make progress on some famous problems about the primes themselves.

Mathematical biology: An early career retrospective -- Thomas Woolley

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Since 2008 Thomas has focused his attention to the application of mathematical techniques to biological problems. Through numerous fruitful collaborations he has been extremely fortunate to work alongside some amazing researchers. But what has he done in the last 8 years? What lessons has he learnt? What knowledge has he produced?

This talk will encompass a brief overview of a range of applications, from animal skin patterns to cellular mechanics, via zombies and Godzilla.

Fri, 11 Nov 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Owning a successful DPhil


Wondering about how to organise your DPhil? How to make the most of your supervision meetings? How to guarantee success in your studies? Look no further!

In this session we will explore the fundamentals of a successful DPhil with help from faculty members, postdocs and DPhil students.

In the first half of the session Andreas Münch, the Director of Graduate Studies, will give a brief overview of the stages of the DPhil programme in Oxford; after this Marc Lackenby will talk about his experience as a PhD student and supervisor.

The second part of the session will be a panel discussion, with panel members Lucy Hutchinson, Mark Penney, Michal Przykucki, and Thomas Woolley. Senior faculty members will be kindly asked to leave the lecture theatre to ensure that students feel comfortable about discussing their experiences with later year students and postdocs/research fellows.

At 5pm senior and junior faculty members, postdocs and students will reunite in the Common Room for Happy Hour.

About the speakers and panel members:

Andreas Münch received his PhD from the Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Karl-Heinz Hoffmann. He moved to Oxford in 2009, where he is an Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics. As the Director of Graduate Studies he deals with matters related to training and education of graduate students. 

Marc Lackenby received his PhD from Cambridge under the supervision of W. B. Raymond Lickorish. He moved to Oxford in 1999, where he has been a Professor of Mathematics since 2006. 

Marc Lackenby

Lucy Hutchinson is a DPhil student in the Mathematical Biology group studying her final year.

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Mark Penney is a fourth-year DPhil student in the Topology group.

Michal Przykucki received his PhD from Cambridge in 2013 under the supervision of Béla Bollobás; he is a member of the Combinatorics research group, and has been a Drapers Junior Research Fellow at St Anne's College since 2014. 

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Thomas Woolley received his DPhil from Oxford in 2012 under the supervision of Ruth Baker, Eamonn Gaffney, and Philip Maini. He is a member of the Mathematical Biology Group and has been a St John’s College Junior Research Fellow in Mathematics since 2013.

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Fri, 04 Nov 2016

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

Emilie Dufresne + Robert Van Gorder
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

What is the minimal size of a separating set? -- Emilie Dufresne

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Abstract: The problem of classifying objects up to certain allowed transformations figures prominently in almost all branches of Mathematics, and Invariants are used to decide if two objects are equivalent. A separating set is a set of invariants which achieve the desired classification. In this talk we take the point of view of Invariant Theory, where the objects correspond to points on an affine variety (often a vector space) and equivalence is given by the action of an algebraic group on this affine variety. We explain how the geometry and combinatorics of the group action govern the minimal size of separating sets.


Predator-Prey-Subsidy Dynamics and the Paradox of Enrichment on Networks -- Robert Van Gorder

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Abstract: The phrase "paradox of enrichment" was coined by Rosenzweig (1971) to describe the observation that increasing the food available to prey participating in predator-prey interactions can destabilize the predator's population. Subsequent work demonstrated that food-web connectance on networks can stabilize the predator-prey dynamics, thereby dampening the paradox of enrichment in networked domains (such as those used in stepping-stone models). However, when a resource subsidy is available to predators which migrate between nodes on such a network (as is actually observed in some real systems), we may show that predator-prey systems can exhibit a paradox of enrichment - induced by the motion of predators between nodes - provided that such networks are sufficiently densely connected. 

Fri, 28 Oct 2016

16:00 - 17:00

A short guide to research impact

Professor Mike Giles & Professor Ursula Martin
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

Some relish the idea of working with users of research and having an impact on the outside world - some view it as a ridiculous government agenda which interferes with academic freedom.  We’ll give an overview of  the political and practical aspects of impact and identify things you might want to consider when deciding whether, and how, to get involved.

Fri, 21 Oct 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Talking to your audience

Professor Jon Chapman
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

How might you prepare talks for different audiences (specialised seminar, colloquium-style talk, talk to a non-mathematical audience, job interview)?  Join us for advice on this, and on how to connect with your audience and get them to feel involved.

Fri, 14 Oct 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Engaging with the public


There are many opportunities within Oxford to communicate your excitement about mathematics and your own research to a wider audience, whether adults or school students.  In this session we'll hear about some of those opportunities, and have some training on how to write a press release, so that you are well placed to share your next research paper with the public.

Rebecca Cotton-Barratt, Schools Liaison Officer and Admissions Coordinator in the Mathematical Institute
Mareli Grady, Schools Liaison Officer in the Statistics Department and Mathemagicians Coordinator in the Mathematical Institute
Stuart Gillespie, Media Relations Officer for the University of Oxford

Fri, 10 Jun 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Owning a successful DPhil

Wondering about how to organise your DPhil? How to make the most of your supervision meetings?

In this session we will explore these and other questions related to what makes a successful DPhil with help from faculty members, postdocs and DPhil students.

In the first half of the session Helen Byrne and Roger Heath-Brown will give short talks on their experiences as PhD students and supervisors. 

The second part of the session will be a panel discussion, and the panel will consist of Emily Cliff, Benjamin Green, Paul Taylor and Andrew Thompson. Senior faculty members will be kindly asked to leave the lecture theatre - to ensure that students feel comfortable with discussing their experiences with later year students and postdocs/research fellows without any senior faculty present.
At 5pm senior and junior faculty members, postdocs and students will reunite in the common room for the happy hour.

About the speakers and panel members:
Helen Byrne received her DPhil from Oxford under the supervision of John Norbury. She was a Professor of Applied Mathematics in Nottingham from 2003 to 2011, when she moved to Oxford where she is a Professor in Mathematical Biology.
Roger Heath-Brown received his PhD from Cambridge under the supervision of Alan Baker. He moved to Oxford in 1979, where he has been a Professor of Pure Mathematics since 1999.
Roger Heath-Brown
Emily Cliff received her DPhil from Oxford in 2015 under the supervision of Kobi Kremnitzer, and she is now a postdoc in the Geometry and Representation Theory group.
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Benjamin Green and Paul Taylor are both fourth year DPhil students; Benjamin Green is a member of the Number Theory group,
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while Paul Taylor is in the Mathematical Biology group.
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Andrew Thompson received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2012 under the supervision of Coralia Cartis and Jared Tanner, and he has been a Lecturer in Computational Mathematics at Oxford since 2014.
Image of Andrew Thompson
Fri, 20 May 2016

16:00 - 17:00

North meets South Colloquium

Sira Gratz + Hao Ni
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

Cluster algebras: from finite to infinite -- Sira Gratz

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Abstract: Cluster algebras were introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky at the beginning of this millennium.  Despite their relatively young age, strong connections to various fields of mathematics - pure and applied - have been established; they show up in topics as diverse as the representation theory of algebras, Teichmüller theory, Poisson geometry, string theory, and partial differential equations describing shallow water waves.  In this talk, following a short introduction to cluster algebras, we will explore their generalisation to infinite rank.

Modelling the effects of data streams using rough paths theory -- Hao Ni

Abstract: In this talk, we bring the theory of rough paths to the study of non-parametric statistics on streamed data and particularly to the problem of regression where the input variable is a stream of information, and the dependent response is also (potentially) a path or a stream.  We explain how a certain graded feature set of a stream, known in the rough path literature as the signature of the path, has a universality that allows one to characterise the functional relationship summarising the conditional distribution of the dependent response. At the same time this feature set allows explicit computational approaches through linear regression.  We give several examples to show how this low dimensional statistic can be effective to predict the effects of a data stream.

Fri, 13 May 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Speaking and listening

Professor Philip Maini
(Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

What is the point of giving a talk?  What is the point of going to a talk?  In this presentation, which is intended to have a lot of audience participation, I would like to explore how one should prepare talks for different audiences and different occasions, and what one should try to get out of going to a talk.