Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 26 Aug 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Analytic K-theory for bornological spaces

Devarshi Mukherjee
(University of Münster)

We define a version of algebraic K-theory for bornological algebras, using the recently developed continuous K-theory by Efimov. In the commutative setting, we prove that this invariant satisfies descent for various topologies that arise in analytic geometry, generalising the results of Thomason-Trobaugh for schemes. Finally, we prove a version of the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem for analytic spaces. Joint work with Jack Kelly and Federico Bambozzi. 

Tue, 11 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Decision problems in one-relation semigroups

Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda

I will give an overview and introduction to the most important decision problems in combinatorial semigroup theory, including the word problem, and describe attempts to solve a problem that has been open since 1914: the word problem in one-relation semigroups. I will link it with some of my results from formal language theory, as well as recent joint work with I. Foniqi and R. D. Gray (East Anglia) on proving undecidability of certain harder problems, proved by way of passing via one-relator groups.

Tue, 04 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Geometrisation of the Langlands correspondence

James Newton
(University of Oxford)

I'll give an introduction to a recent theme in the Langlands program over number fields and mixed characteristic local fields (with a much older history over function fields). This is enhancing the traditional 'set-theoretic' Langlands correspondence into something with a more geometric flavour. For example, relating (categories of) representations of p-adic groups to sheaves on moduli spaces of Galois representations. No number theory or 'Langlands' background will be assumed!

Tue, 21 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Spin link homology and webs in type B

Elijah Bodish

In their study of GL(N)-GL(m) Howe duality, Cautis-Kamnitzer-Morrison observed that the GL(N) Reshetikhin-Turaev link invariant can be computed in terms of quantum gl(m). This idea inspired Cautis and Lauda-Queffelec-Rose to give a construction of GL(N) link homology in terms of Khovanov-Lauda's categorified quantum gl(m). There is a Spin(2n+1)-Spin(m) Howe duality, and a quantum analogue that was first studied by Wenzl. In the first half of the talk, I will explain how to use this duality to compute the Spin(2n+1) link polynomial, and present calculations which suggest that the Spin(2n+1) link invariant is obtained from the GL(2n) link invariant by folding. In the second part of the talk, I will introduce the parallel categorified constructions and explain how to use them to define Spin(2n+1) link homology.

This is based on joint work in progress with Ben Elias and David Rose.

Tue, 14 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Deformations of q-symmetric algebras and log symplectic varieties

Travis Schedler
(Imperial College, London)

We consider quadratic deformations of the q-symmetric algebras A_q given by x_i x_j = q_{ij} x_j x_i, for q_{ij} in C*.   We explicitly describe the Hochschild cohomology and compute the weights of the torus action (dilating the x_i variables). We describe new families of filtered deformations of A_q, which are Koszul and Calabi—Yau algebras. This also applies to abelian category deformations of coh(P^n), and for n=3 we give examples having no homogeneous coordinate ring.  We then focus on the case where n is even and the deformations are obtainable from deformation quantisation of toric log symplectic structures on P^n.  In this case we construct formally universal families of quadratic algebras deforming A_q, obtained by tensoring filtered deformations and FeiginOdesskii elliptic algebras. The universality is a consequence of a beautiful combinatorial classification of deformations via "smoothing diagrams", a collection of disjoint cycles and segments in the complete graph on n vertices, viewed as the dual complex for the coordinate hyperplanes in P^{n-1}.  Already for n=5 there are 40 of these, mostly entirely new. Our proof also applies to deformations of Poisson structures, recovering the P^n case of our previous results on general log symplectic varieties with normal crossings divisors, which motivated this project.  This is joint work with Mykola Matviichuk and Brent Pym.

Tue, 07 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Using hyperbolic Coxeter groups to construct highly regular expander graphs

Francois Thilmany
(UC Louvain)

A graph $X$ is defined inductively to be $(a_0, . . . , a_{n−1})$-regular if $X$ is $a_0$-regular and for every vertex $v$ of $X$, the sphere of radius 1 around $v$ is an $(a_1, . . . , a_{n−1})$-regular graph. A family $F$ of graphs is said to be an expander family if there is a uniform lower bound on the Cheeger constant of all the graphs in $F$. 

After briefly (re)introducing Coxeter groups and their geometries, we will describe how they can be used to construct very regular polytopes, which in turn can yield highly regular graphs. We will then use the super-approximation machinery, whenever the Coxeter group is hyperbolic, to obtain the expansion of these families of graphs. As a result, we obtain interesting infinite families of highly regular expander graphs, some of which are related to the exceptional groups. 

The talk is based on work joint with Conder, Lubotzky, and Schillewaert. 

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Unipotent Representations and Mixed Hodge Modules

Lucas Mason-Brown
((Oxford University))

One of the oldest open problems in representation theory is to classify the irreducible unitary representations of a semisimple Lie group G_R. Such representations play a fundamental role in harmonic analysis and the Langlands program and arise in physics as the state space of quantum mechanical systems in the presence of G_R-symmetry. Most unitary representations of G_R are realized, via some kind of induction, from unitary representations of proper Levi subgroups. Thus, the major obstacle to understanding the unitary dual of G_R is identifying the "non-induced" unitary representations of G_R. In previous joint work with Losev and Matvieievskyi, we have proposed a general construction of these non-induced representations, which we call "unipotent" representations of G_R. Unfortunately, the methods we employ do not provide a proof that these representations are unitary. In this talk, I will explain how one can apply Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules to overcome this difficulty, giving a uniform proof of the unitarity of all unipotent representations. This is joint work in progress with Dougal Davis

Tue, 23 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Symmetric spaces, where Topology meets Representation Theory

Dmitriy Rumynin
(University of Warwick)

We will use Representation Theory to calculate systematically and efficiently the topological invariants of compact Lie groups and homogeneous spaces.

Most of the talk is covered by our second paper on ArXiv with John Jones and Adam Thomas, who are both at Warwick. The paper is part of the ongoing project to study the topological invariants of the four exceptional Rosenfeld projective planes.

Tue, 12 Mar 2024

14:00 - 15:00

A potpourri of pretty identities involving Catalan, Fibonacci and trigonometric numbers

Enoch Suleiman
(Federal University Gashua)

Apart from the binomial coefficients which are ubiquitous in many counting problems, the Catalan and Fibonacci sequences seem to appear almost as frequently. There are also well-known interpretations of the Catalan numbers as lattice paths, or as the number of ways of connecting 2n points on a circle via non-intersecting lines. We start by obtaining some identities for sums involving the Catalan sequence. In addition, we use the beautiful binomial transform which allows us to obtain several pretty identities involving Fibonacci numbers, Catalan numbers, and trigonometric sums.

Tue, 05 Mar 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Complex crystallographic groups and Seiberg--Witten integrable systems

Oleg Chalykh
(University of Leeds)

For any smooth complex variety Y with an action of a finite group W, Etingof defines the global Cherednik algebra H_c and its spherical subalgebra B_c as certain sheaves of algebras over Y/W. When Y is an n-dimensional abelian variety, the algebra of global sections of B_c is a polynomial algebra on n generators, as shown by Etingof, Felder, Ma, and Veselov. This defines an integrable system on Y. In the case of Y being a product of n copies of an elliptic curve E and W=S_n, this reproduces the usual elliptic Calogero­­--Moser system. Recently, together with P. Argyres and Y. Lu, we proposed that many of these integrable systems at the classical level can be interpreted as Seiberg­­--Witten integrable systems of certain super­symmetric quantum field theories. I will describe our progress in understanding this connection for groups W=G(m, 1, n), corresponding to the case Y=E^n where E is an elliptic curves with Z_m symmetry, m=2,3,4,6. 

Tue, 27 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Modular Reduction of Nilpotent Orbits

Jay Taylor
(University of Manchester)

Suppose 𝐺𝕜 is a connected reductive algebraic 𝕜-group where 𝕜 is an algebraically closed field. If 𝑉𝕜 is a 𝐺𝕜-module then, using geometric invariant theory, Kempf has defined the nullcone 𝒩(𝑉𝕜) of 𝑉𝕜. For the Lie algebra 𝔤𝕜 = Lie(𝐺𝕜), viewed as a 𝐺𝕜-module via the adjoint action, we have 𝒩(𝔤𝕜) is precisely the set of nilpotent elements.

We may assume that our group 𝐺𝕜 = 𝐺 × 𝕜 is obtained by base-change from a suitable ℤ-form 𝐺. Suppose 𝑉 is 𝔤 = Lie(G) or its dual 𝔤* = Hom(𝔤, ℤ) which are both modules for 𝐺, that are free of finite rank as ℤ-modules. Then 𝑉 ⨂ 𝕜, as a module for 𝐺𝕜, is 𝔤𝕜 or 𝔤𝕜* respectively.

It is known that each 𝐺 -orbit 𝒪 ⊆ 𝒩(𝑉) contains a representative ξ ∈ 𝑉 in the ℤ-form. Reducing ξ one gets an element ξ𝕜 ∈ 𝑉𝕜 for any algebraically closed 𝕜. In this talk, we will explain two ways in which we might want ξ to have “good reduction” and how one can find elements with these properties. We will also discuss the relationship to Lusztig’s special orbits.

This is on-going joint work with Adam Thomas (Warwick).

Tue, 20 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Faithfulness of highest-weight modules for Iwasawa algebras

Stephen Mann
(University of Cambridge)

Iwasawa algebras are completions of group algebras for p-adic Lie groups, and have applications for studying the representations of these groups. It is an ongoing project to study the prime ideals, and more generally the two-sided ideals, of these algebras.

In the case of Iwasawa algebras corresponding to a simple Lie algebra with a Chevalley basis, we aim to prove that all non-zero two-sided ideals have finite codimension. To prove this, it is sufficient to show faithfulness of modules arising from highest-weight modules for the corresponding Lie algebra.

I have proved two main results in this direction: firstly, I proved the faithfulness of generalised Verma modules over the Iwasawa algebra. Secondly, I proved the faithfulness of all infinite-dimensional highest-weight modules in the case where the Lie algebra has type A. In this talk, I will outline the methods I used to prove these cases.

Tue, 13 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Functional Calculus, Bornological Algebra, and Analytic Geometry

Jack Kelly
((University of Oxford))

Porta and Yue Yu's model of derived analytic geometry takes as its category of basic, or affine, objects the category opposite to simplicial algebras over the entire functional calculus Lawvere theory. This is analogous to Lurie's approach to derived algebraic geometry where the Lawvere theory is the one governing simplicial commutative rings, and Spivak's derived smooth geometry, using the Lawvere theory of C-infinity-rings. Although there have been numerous important applications including GAGA, base-change, and Riemann-Hilbert theorems, these methods are still missing some crucial ingredients. For example, they do not naturally beget a good definition of quasi-coherent sheaves satisfying descent. On the other hand, the Toen-Vezzosi-Deligne approach of geometry relative to a symmetric monoidal category naturally provides a definition of a category of quasi-coherent sheaves, and in two such approaches to analytic geometry using the categories of bornological and condensed abelian groups respectively, these categories do satisfy descent.  In this talk I will explain how to compare the Porta and Yue Yu model of derived analytic geometry with the bornological one. More generally we give conditions on a Lawvere theory such that its simplicial algebras embed fully faithfully into commutative bornological algebras. Time permitting I will show how the Grothendieck topologies on both sides match up, allowing us to extend the embedding to stacks.

This is based on joint work with Oren Ben-Bassat and Kobi Kremnitzer, and follows work of Kremnitzer and Dennis Borisov.

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Equivariant vector bundles with connection on the p-adic half-plane

Simon Wadsley
(University of Cambridge)

Recent joint work with Konstantin Ardakov has been devoted to classifying equivariant line bundles with flat connection on the Drinfeld p-adic half-plane defined over F, a finite extension of Q_p, and proving that their global sections yield admissible locally analytic representations of GL_2(F) of finite length. In this talk we will discuss this work and invite reflection on how it might be extended to equivariant vector bundles with connection on the p-adic half-plane and, if time permits, to higher dimensional analogues of the half-plane.

Tue, 23 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

On a quantitative version of Harish-Chandra's regularity theorem and singularities of representations

Yotam Hendel
(KU Leuven)

Let G be a reductive group defined over a local field of characteristic 0 (real or p-adic). By Harish-Chandra’s regularity theorem, the character Θ_π of an irreducible representation π of G is given by a locally integrable function f_π on G. It turns out that f_π has even better integrability properties, namely, it is locally L^{1+r}-integrable for some r>0. This gives rise to a new singularity invariant of representations \e_π by considering the largest such r.

We explore \e_π, show it is bounded below only in terms of the group G, and calculate it in the case of a p-adic GL(n). To do so, we relate \e_π to the integrability of Fourier transforms of nilpotent orbital integrals appearing in the local character expansion of Θ_π. As a main technical tool, we use explicit resolutions of singularities of certain hyperplane arrangements. We obtain bounds on the multiplicities of K-types in irreducible representations of G for a p-adic G and a compact open subgroup K.

Based on a joint work with Itay Glazer and Julia Gordon.

Tue, 05 Dec 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Representation type of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras

Qi Wang
(Tsinghua University)

One of the fundamental problems in representation theory is determining the representation type of algebras. In this talk, we will introduce the representation type of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras, also known as cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras, especially in affine type A and affine type C. Our main result relies on novel constructions of the maximal dominant weights of integrable highest weight modules over quantum groups. This talk is based on collaborations with Susumu Ariki, Berta Hudak, and Linliang Song.

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Hecke algebras for p-adic groups and explicit Local Langlands Correspondence

Yujie Xu
(Columbia University (New York))

I will talk about several results on Hecke algebras attached to Bernstein blocks of (arbitrary) reductive p-adic groups, where we construct a local Langlands correspondence for these Bernstein blocks. Our techniques draw inspirations from the foundational works of Deligne, Kazhdan and Lusztig. 

As an application, we prove the Local Langlands Conjecture for G_2, which is the first known case in literature of LLC for exceptional groups. Our correspondence satisfies an expected property on cuspidal support, which is compatible with the generalized Springer correspondence, along with a list of characterizing properties including the stabilization of character sums, formal degree property etc. In particular, we obtain (not necessarily unipotent) "mixed" L-packets containing "F-singular" supercuspidals and non-supercuspidals. Such "mixed" L-packets had been elusive up until this point and very little was known prior to our work. I will give explicit examples of such mixed L-packets in terms of Deligne-Lusztig theory and Kazhdan-Lusztig parametrization. 

If time permits, I will explain how to pin down certain choices in the construction of the correspondence using stability of L-packets; one key input is a homogeneity result due to Waldspurger and DeBacker. Moreover, I will mention how to adapt our general strategy to construct explicit LLC for other reductive groups, such as GSp(4), Sp(4), etc. Such explicit description of the L-packets has been useful in number-theoretic applications, e.g. modularity lifting questions as in the recent work of Whitmore. 

Some parts of this talk are based on my joint work with Aubert, and some other parts are based on my joint work with Suzuki. 

Mon, 20 Nov 2023

15:00 - 16:00

t-structures on the equivariant derived category of the Steinberg scheme.

Ivan Losev
(Yale University)

The Steinberg scheme and the equivariant coherent sheaves on it play a very important role in Geometric Representation theory. In this talk we will discuss various t-structures on the equivariant derived category of the Steinberg of importance for Representation theory in positive characteristics. Based on arXiv:2302.05782.

Tue, 14 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Fourier and Small ball estimates for word maps on unitary groups

Itay Glazer
(University of Oxford )

Let w(x_1,...,x_r) be a word in a free group. For any group G, w induces a word map w:G^r-->G. For example, the commutator word w=xyx^(-1)y^(-1) induces the commutator map. If G is finite, one can ask what is the probability that w(g_1,...,g_r)=e, for a random tuple (g_1,...,g_r) of elements in G.

In the setting of finite simple groups, Larsen and Shalev showed there exists epsilon(w)>0 (depending only on w), such that the probability that w(g_1,...,g_r)=e is smaller than |G|^(-epsilon(w)), whenever G is large enough (depending on w).

In this talk, I will discuss analogous questions for compact groups, with a focus on the family of unitary groups; For example, given r independent Haar-random n by n unitary matrices A_1,...,A_r, what is the probability that w(A_1,...,A_r) is contained in a small ball around the identity matrix?

Based on a joint work with Nir Avni and Michael Larsen.  


Tue, 07 Nov 2023

14:00 - 15:00

A solution functor for D-cap-modules

Finn Wiersig
(University of Oxford)

The theory of D-modules has found remarkable applications in various mathematical areas, for example, the representation theory of complex semi-simple Lie algebras. Two pivotal theorems in this field are the Beilinson-Bernstein Localisation Theorem and the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence. This talk will explore a p-adic analogue. Ardakov-Wadsley introduced the sheaf D-cap of infinite order differential operators on a given smooth rigid-analytic variety to develop a p-adic counterpart for the Beilinson-Bernstein localisation. However, the classical approach to the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence does not apply in the p-adic context. I will present an alternative approach, introducing a solution functor for D-cap-modules using new methods from p-adic Hodge theory.

Tue, 31 Oct 2023

Elliptic representations

Dan Ciubotaru

In representation theory, the characters of induced representations are explicitly known in terms of the character of the inducing representation. This leads to the question of understanding the elliptic representation space, i.e., the space of representations modulo the properly (parabolically) induced characters. I will give an overview of the description of the elliptic space for finite Weyl groups, affine Weyl groups, affine Hecke algebras, and their connection with the geometry of the nilpotent cone of a semisimple complex Lie algebra. These results fit together in the representation theory of semisimple p-adic groups, where they lead to a new description of the elliptic space within the framework of the local Langlands parameterisation.

Tue, 24 Oct 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Existence and rotatability of the two-colored Jones–Wenzl projector

Amit Hazi
(Leeds University)

The two-colored Temperley-Lieb algebra is a generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. The analogous two-colored Jones-Wenzl projector plays an important role in the Elias-Williamson construction of the diagrammatic Hecke category. In this talk, I will give conditions for the existence and rotatability of the two-colored Jones-Wenzl projector in terms of the invertibility and vanishing of certain two-colored quantum binomial coefficients. As a consequence, we prove that Abe’s category of Soergel bimodules is equivalent to the diagrammatic Hecke category in complete generality.


Tue, 17 Oct 2023

Microlocal sheaves and affine Springer fibers

Pablo Boixeda Alvarez
(Yale University)

The resolutions of Slodowy slices e are symplectic varieties that contain the Springer fiber (G/B)e as a Lagrangian subvariety. In joint work with R. Bezrukavnikov, M. McBreen, and Z. Yun, we construct analogues of these spaces for homogeneous affine Springer fibers. We further understand the categories of microlocal sheaves in these symplectic spaces supported on the affine Springer fiber as some categories of coherent sheaves.

In this talk I will mostly focus on the case of the homogeneous element ts for s a regular semisimple element and will discuss some relations of these categories with the small quantum group providing a categorification of joint work with R.Bezrukavnikov, P. Shan and E. Vasserot.

Tue, 13 Jun 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Correspondences of affine Hecke algebras in the Langlands program

Anne-Marie Aubert
((Mathematics Institute of Jussieu-Paris Left Bank, Sorbonne University ))

The irreducible smooth representations of p-adic reductive groups and the enhanced Langlands parameters of these latter can both be partitioned into series indexed by "cuspidal data". On the representation side, cuspidality refers to supercuspidal representations of Levi subgroups, while on the Galois side, it refers to "cuspidal unipotent pairs", as introduced by Lusztig, in certain subgroups of the Langlands dual groups.

In addition, on both sides, the elements in a given series are in bijection with the simple modules of a generalized affine Hecke algebra. 

The cuspidal data on one side are expected to be in bijection with the cuspidal data on the other side. We will formulate conditions on this bijection that will guarantee the existence of a bijection between the simple modules of the attached generalized affine Hecke algebras. For the exceptional group of type G_2 and for all pure inner forms of quasi-split classical groups, the Hecke algebras are actually isomorphic.

Tue, 06 Jun 2023

14:00 - 15:00

The wavefront set of unipotent representations with real infinitesimal character

Emile Okada
(National University of Singapore)

For a reductive group defined over a p-adic field, the wavefront set is an invariant of an admissible representations which roughly speaking measures the direction of the singularities of the character near the identity. Studied first by Roger Howe in the 70s, the wavefront set has important connections to Arthur packets, and has been the subject of thorough investigation in the intervening years. One of main lines of inquiry is to determine the relation between the wavefront set and the L-parameter of a representation. In this talk we present new results answering this question for unipotent representations with real infinitesimal character. The results are joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Lucas Mason-Brown.