Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 28 Apr 2021

A Roadmap to Graph Homology Through Finite Type Invariants

Filippos Sytilidis
(University of Oxford)

The graph complex is a remarkable object with very rich structure and many, sometimes mysterious, connections to topology. To illustrate one such connection, I will attempt to construct a “self-linking” invariant of knots and expand on the ideas behind it.

Wed, 10 Mar 2021

Topological approaches to Nielsen equivalence

David Sheard

In the world of finitely generated groups, presentations are a blessing and a curse. They are versatile and compact, but in general tell you very little about the group. Tietze transformations offer much (but deliver little) in terms of understanding the possible presentations of a group. I will introduce a different way of transforming presentations of a group called a Nielsen transformation, and show how topological methods can be used to study Nielsen transformations.

Wed, 03 Mar 2021

Rigidity of curve graphs and Ivanov's Metaconjecture

Marco Barberis
(Warwick University)

Since its introduction in 1978 the curve complex has become one of the most important objects to study surfaces and their homeomorphisms. The curve complex is defined only using data about curves and their disjointness: a stunning feature of it is the fact that this information is enough to give it a rigid structure, that is every symplicial automorphism is induced topologically. Ivanov conjectured that this rigidity is a feature of most objects naturally associated to surfaces, if their structure is rich enough.

During the talk we will introduce the curve complex, then we will focus on its rigidity, giving a sketch of the topological constructions behind the proof. At last we will talk about generalisations of the curve complex, and highlight some rigidity results which are clues that Ivanov's Metaconjecture, even if it is more of a philosophical statement than a mathematical one, could be "true".

Wed, 24 Feb 2021

Fibering of 3-manifolds and free-by-cyclic groups

Monika Kudlinska
(Oxford University)

A 3-manifold fibers over the circle if it can be identified with the mapping torus of a surface homeomorphism. If the surface is compact with non-empty boundary then the corresponding 3-manifold group is free-by-cyclic, and the action of the cyclic group on the free group is induced by the surface homeomorphism. Although most free-by-cyclic groups do not arise as fundamental groups of 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle, there is a strong analogy between the two families.

In this talk I will discuss how dynamical properties of the monodromy affect the geometry/algebra of the corresponding mapping torus. We will see how the same 3-manifold or group can admit multiple fiberings and what properties of the monodromy are known to be preserved under different fiberings.

Wed, 17 Feb 2021

Introduction to L^2 homology

Sam Fisher
(Oxford University)

This talk will be an introduction to L^2 homology, which is roughly "square-summable" homology. We begin by defining the L^2 homology of a G-CW complex (a CW complex with a cellular G-action), and we will discuss some applications of these invariants to group theory and topology. We will then focus on a criterion of Wise, which proves the vanishing of the 2nd L^2 Betti number in combinatorial CW-complexes with elementary methods. If time permits, we will also introduce Wise's energy criterion.

Wed, 10 Feb 2021

Uniformly proper actions and finite-order elements

Vladimir Vankov
(University of Southampton)

We will discuss a generalisation of hyperbolic groups, from the group actions point of view. By studying torsion, we will see how this can help to answer questions about ordinary hyperbolic groups.

Wed, 03 Feb 2021

Asymptotic Cones and the Filling Order of a Metric Space

Patrick Nairne
(Oxford University)

The asymptotic cone of a metric space X is what you see when you "look at X from infinitely far away". The asymptotic cone therefore captures much of the large scale geometry of the metric space. Furthermore, the construction often produces a smooth space from a discrete one, allowing us to apply the techniques of calculus. Notably, Gromov used asymptotic cones in his proof that finitely generated groups of polynomial growth are virtually nilpotent.

In the talk I will define asymptotic cones using the language of ultrafilters and ultralimits. We will then look at the particular cases of asymptotic cones of virtually nilpotent groups and hyperbolic metric spaces. At the end, we will prove a result of Gromov which relates the fundamental group of the asymptotic cone to the filling order of the underlying metric space.

Wed, 27 Jan 2021

Triangulation Complexity of Mapping Tori

Adele Jackson
(Oxford University)

A major tool used to understand manifolds is understanding how different measures of complexity relate to one another. One particularly combinatorial measure of the complexity of a 3-manifold M is the minimal number of tetrahedra in a simplicial complex homeomorphic to M, called the triangulation complexity of M. A natural question is whether we can relate this with more geometric measures of the complexity of a manifold, especially understanding these relationships as combinatorial complexity grows.

In the case when the manifold fibres over the circle, a recent theorem of Marc Lackenby and Jessica Purcell gives both an upper and lower bound on the triangulation complexity in terms of a geometric invariant of the gluing map (its translation length in the triangulation graph). We will discuss this result as well as a new result concerning what happens when we alter the gluing map by a Dehn twist.

Wed, 20 Jan 2021

Linear Isoperimetric Functions for Surfaces in Hyperbolic Groups

Macarena Arenas
(Cambridge University)

One of the main characterisations of word-hyperbolic groups is that they are the groups with a linear isoperimetric function. That is, for a compact 2-complex X, the hyperbolicity of its fundamental group is equivalent to the existence of a linear isoperimetric function for disc diagrams D -->X.
It is likewise known that hyperbolic groups have a linear annular isoperimetric function and a linear homological isoperimetric function. I will talk about these isoperimetric functions, and about a (previously unexplored)  generalisation to all homotopy types of surface diagrams. This is joint work with Dani Wise.

Wed, 02 Dec 2020

Generalizing Hyperbolicity via Local-to-Global Behaviour

Davide Spriano
(University of Oxford)

 An important property of a Gromov hyperbolic space is that every path that is locally a quasi-geodesic is globally a quasi-geodesic. A theorem of Gromov states that this is a characterization of hyperbolicity, which means that all the properties of hyperbolic spaces and groups can be traced back to this simple fact. In this talk we generalize this property by considering only Morse quasi-geodesics.

We show that not only does this allow us to consider a much larger class of examples, such as CAT(0) spaces, hierarchically hyperbolic spaces and fundamental groups of 3-manifolds, but also we can effortlessly generalize several results from the theory of hyperbolic groups that were previously unknown in this generality.

Wed, 25 Nov 2020

Veering Triangulations, the Teichmüller Polynomial and the Alexander Polynomial

Anna Parlak
(University of Warwick)

Veering triangulations are a special class of ideal triangulations with a rather mysterious combinatorial definition. Their importance follows from a deep connection with pseudo-Anosov flows on 3-manifolds. Recently Landry, Minsky and Taylor introduced a polynomial invariant of veering triangulations called the taut polynomial. It is a generalisation of an older invariant, the Teichmüller polynomial, defined by McMullen in 2002.

The aim of my talk is to demonstrate that veering triangulations provide a convenient setup for computations. More precisely, I will use fairly easy arguments to obtain a fairly strong statement which generalises the results of McMullen relating the Teichmüller polynomial to the Alexander polynomial.

I will not assume any prior knowledge on the Alexander polynomial, the Teichmüller polynomial or veering triangulations.

Wed, 18 Nov 2020

Introduction to left-orderable groups and formal languages.

Hang Lu Su
(ICMAT Madrid)


I will introduce left-orderable groups and discuss constructions and examples of such groups. I will then motivate studying left-orders under the framework of formal languages and discuss some recent results.

Wed, 11 Nov 2020

Extending Leighton's Graph Covering Theorem

Sam Shepherd
(University of Oxford)

Leighton's Theorem states that if two finite graphs have a common universal cover then they have a common finite cover. I will explore various ways in which this result can and can't be extended.

Wed, 04 Nov 2020

Is Invariable Generation Hereditary?

Gil Goffer
(Weizmann Institute of Science)

I will discuss the notion of invariably generated groups, its importance, and some intuition. I will then present a construction of an invariably generated group that admits an index two subgroup that is not invariably generated. The construction answers questions of Wiegold and of Kantor-Lubotzky-Shalev. This is a joint work with Nir Lazarovich.

Wed, 28 Oct 2020

(Beyond) Quasi-isometric Rigidity of Lattices in Lie Groups

Ido Grayevsky
(University of Oxford)

'Quasi-isometric rigidity' in group theory is the slogan for questions of the following nature: let A be some class of groups (e.g. finitely presented groups). Suppose an abstract group H is quasi-isometric to a group in A: does it imply that H is in A? Such statements link the coarse geometry of a group with its algebraic structure. 


Much is known in the case A is some class of lattices in a given Lie group. I will present classical results and outline ideas in their proofs, emphasizing the geometric nature of the proofs. I will focus on one key ingredient, the quasi-flat rigidity, and discuss some geometric objects that come into play, such as neutered spaces, asymptotic cones and buildings. I will end the talk with recent developments and possible generalizations of these results and ideas.

Wed, 21 Oct 2020

Algorithms for the Recognition of Primitive Elements in a Free Group

Dario Ascari
(University of Oxford)

Primitive elements are elements that are part of a basis for a free group. We present the classical Whitehead algorithm for the recognition of such elements, and discuss the ideas behind the proof. We also present a second algorithm, more recent and completely different in the approach.

Wed, 14 Oct 2020

The Milnor-Wood inequality, and Affine Manifolds

Mehdi Yazdi
(University of Oxford)

I will explain what it means for a manifold to have an affine structure and give an introduction to Benzecri's theorem stating that a closed surface admits an affine structure if and only if its Euler characteristic vanishes. I will also talk about an algebraic-topological generalization, due to Milnor and Wood, that bounds the Euler class of a flat circle bundle. No prior familiarity with the concepts is necessary.

Wed, 17 Jun 2020


Jonathan Fruchter
(University of Oxford)
Wed, 10 Jun 2020


Mehdi Yazdi
(University of Oxford)
Wed, 03 Jun 2020

An Introduction to Fusion Categories

Thibault Decoppet
(Oxford University)

Motivation for the study of fusion categories is twofold: Fusion categories arise in wide array of mathematical subjects, and provide the necessary input for some fascinating topological constructions. We will carefully define what fusion categories are, and give representation theoretic examples. Then, we will explain how fusion categories are inherently finite combinatorial objects. We proceed to construct an example that does not come from group theory. Time permitting, we will go some way towards introducing so-called modular tensor categories.


Wed, 27 May 2020

Poincare's Polyhedron Theorem and Applications to Algorithms.

Joe Scull
(University of Oxford)

Much progress in the study of 3-manifolds has been made by considering the geometric structures they admit. This is nowhere more true than for 3-manifolds which admit a hyperbolic structure. However, in the land of algorithms a more combinatorial approach is necessary, replacing our charts and isometries with finite simplicial complexes that are defined by a finite amount of data. 

In this talk we'll have a look at how in fact one can combine the two approaches, using the geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds to assist in this more combinatorial approach. To do so we'll combine tools from Hyperbolic Geometry, Triangulations, and perhaps suprisingly Polynomial Algebra to find explicit bounds on the runtime of an algorithm for comparing Hyperbolic manifolds.

Wed, 20 May 2020


Alice Kerr
(Oxford University)
Wed, 13 May 2020

A Mapping Class Group Presentation from Fatgraphs

Adele Jackson
(University of Oxford)

The mapping class group of a surface with boundary acts freely and properly discontinuously on the fatgraph complex, which is a contractible cell complex arising from a cell decomposition of Teichmuller space. We will use this action to get a presentation of the mapping class group in terms of fat graphs, and convert this into one in terms of chord diagrams. This chord slide presentation has potential applications to computing bordered Heegaard Floer invariants for open books with disconnected binding.

Wed, 06 May 2020

Revisiting Leighton's Theorem

Daniel Woodhouse
(University of Oxford)

Let X_1 and X_2 be finite graphs with isomorphic universal covers.

Leighton's graph covering theorem states that X_1 and X_2 have a common finite cover.

I will discuss recent work generalizing this theorem and how myself and Sam Shepherd have been applying it to rigidity questions in geometric group theory.

Wed, 11 Mar 2020

Horocyclic product of Gromov hyperbolic spaces.

Tom Ferragut
(Université de Montpellier)

Gromov hyperbolicity is a property to metric spaces that generalises the notion of negative curvature for manifolds.
After an introduction about these spaces, we will explain the construction of horocyclic products related to lamplighter groups, Baumslag solitar groups and the Sol geometry.
We will describe the shape of geodesics in them, and present rigidity results on their quasi-isometries due to Farb, Mosher, Eskin, Fisher and Whyte.