Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 21 Sep 2023

11:00 - 12:00

Efficient prediction, estimation and identifiability analysis with mechanistic mathematical models

Professor Matthew Simpson

Interpreting data using mechanistic mathematical models provides a foundation for discovery and decision-making in all areas of science and engineering. Key steps in using mechanistic mathematical models to interpret data include: (i) identifiability analysis; (ii) parameter estimation; and (iii) model prediction. Here we present a systematic, computationally efficient likelihood-based workflow that addresses all three steps in a unified way. Recently developed methods for constructing profile-wise prediction intervals enable this workflow and provide the central linkage between different workflow components. These methods propagate profile-likelihood-based confidence sets for model parameters to predictions in a way that isolates how different parameter combinations affect model predictions. We show how to extend these profile-wise prediction intervals to two-dimensional interest parameters, and then combine profile-wise prediction confidence sets to give an overall prediction confidence set that approximates the full likelihood-based prediction confidence set well.  We apply our methods to a range of synthetic data and real-world ecological data describing re-growth of coral reefs on the Great Barrier Reef after some external disturbance, such as a tropical cyclone or coral bleaching event.

Fri, 16 Jun 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Positional information theory

Prof Karen Page
(Department of Mathematics University College London)

We study the positional information conferred by the morphogens Sonic Hedgehog and BMP in neural tube patterning. We use the mathematics of information theory to quantify the information that cells use to decide their fate. We study the encoding, recoding and decoding that take place as the morphogen gradient is formed, triggers a nuclear response and determines cell fates using a gene regulatory network.

Fri, 09 Jun 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Recent and past results on stochastically-modelled biochemical reaction networks

Professor Jinsu Kim
(POSTECH Pohang)

When a biological system is modelled using a mathematical process, the next step is often to estimate the system parameters. Although computational and statistical techniques have been developed to estimate parameters for complex systems, this can be a difficult task. As a result, researchers have focused on revealing parameter-independent dynamical properties of a system. In this talk, we will discuss the study of qualitative behaviors of stochastic biochemical systems using reaction networks, which are graphical configurations of biochemical systems. The goal of this talk is to (1) introduce the basic modelling aspects of stochastically-modelled reaction networks and (2) discuss important results in this literature, including the random time representation, relationships between stochastic and deterministic models, and derivation of stability via network structures.

Fri, 26 May 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Modelling the viral dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants in different cell types

Dr Ada Yan
(Dept of Infectious Disease Imperial College London)

The Omicron BA.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2 was more transmissible and less severe than the preceding Delta variant, including in hosts without previous infection or vaccination.  To investigate why this was the case, we conducted in vitro replication experiments in human nasal and lung cells, then constructed and fitted ODE models of varying levels of complexity to the data, using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.  Our results fitting a simple model suggest that the basic reproduction number and growth rate are higher for Omicron in nasal cells, and higher for Delta in lung cells. As growth in nasal cells is thought to correspond to transmissibility and growth in lung cells is thought to correspond to severity, these results are consistent with epidemiological and clinical observations.  We then fitted a more complex model, including different virus entry pathways and the immune response, to the data, to understand the mechanisms leading to higher infectivity for Omicron in nasal cells. This work paves the way for using within-host mathematical models to analyse experimental data and understand the transmission potential of future variants. 

While presenting the results of this study, I will use them to open a wider discussion on common problems in mathematical biology, such as the situations in which complex models are preferable to simpler models; when it is appropriate to fix model parameters; and how to present results which are contingent on unidentifiable parameters.

Fri, 19 May 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Mapping and navigating biology and chemistry with genome-scale imaging

Dr Imran Haque
(Recursion Pharmaceuticals)


Image-based readouts of biology are information-rich and inexpensive. Yet historically, bespoke data collection methods and the intrinsically unstructured nature of image data have made these assays difficult to work with at scale. This presentation will discuss advances made at Recursion to industrialise the use of cellular imaging to decode biology and drive drug discovery. First, the use of deep learning allows the transformation of unstructured images into biologically meaningful representations, enabling a 'map of biology' relating genetic and chemical perturbations to scale drug discovery. Second, building such a map at whole-genome scale led to the discovery of a "proximity bias" globally confounding CRISPR-Cas9-based functional genomics screens. Finally, I will discuss how publicly-shared resources from Recursion, including the RxRx3 dataset and MolRec application, enable downstream research both on cellular images themselves and on deep learning-derived embeddings, making advanced image analysis more accessible to researchers worldwide.

Fri, 05 May 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Data-driven protein design and molecular latent space simulators

Professor Andrew Ferguson
(Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering University of Chicago)

Data-driven modeling and deep learning present powerful tools that are opening up new paradigms and opportunities in the understanding, discovery, and design of soft and biological materials. I will describe our recent applications of deep representational learning to expose the sequence-function relationship within homologous protein families and to use these principles for the data-driven design and experimental testing of synthetic proteins with elevated function. I will then describe an approach based on latent space simulators to learn ultra-fast surrogate models of protein folding and biomolecular assembly by stacking three specialized deep learning networks to (i) encode a molecular system into a slow latent space, (ii) propagate dynamics in this latent space, and (iii) generatively decode a synthetic molecular trajectory.

Fri, 28 Apr 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Stochastic modeling of neurotransmission dynamics

Dr Stefanie Winkelmann
(Zuse Institute Berlin)

Abstract: Neurotransmission at chemical synapses relies on the calcium-induced fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. The distance of the vesicle to the calcium channels determines the fusion probability and consequently the postsynaptic signal. After a fusion event, both the release site and the vesicle undergo a recovery process before becoming available for reuse again. For all these process components, stochastic effects are widely recognized to play an important role. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts on how to describe and structurally understand neurotransmission dynamics using stochastic modeling approaches. Starting with a linear reaction scheme, a method to directly compute the exact first- and second-order moments of the filtered output signal is proposedFor a modification of the model including explicit recovery steps, the stochastic dynamics are compared to the mean-field approximation in terms of reaction rate equations. Finally, we reflect on spatial extensions of the model, as well as on their approximation by hybrid methods.


A. Ernst, C. Schütte, S. Sigrist, S. Winkelmann. Mathematical Biosciences343, 108760, 2022.

- A. Ernst, N. Unger, C. Schütte, A. Walter, S. Winkelmann. Under Review.


Fri, 10 Mar 2023

14:00 - 15:00

CRISPR-based decoding of disease-associated genomic variants

Prof Richard Sherwood
(Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School)

The overall goal of the Sherwood lab is to advance genomic and precision medicine applications through high-throughput, multi-disciplinary science. In a shortened talk this past autumn, I described our recent efforts using combined analysis of rare coding variants from the UK Biobank and genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout and activation screening to improve the identification of genes, coding variants, and non-coding variants whose alteration impacts serum LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.

In this talk, I will discuss our emerging efforts to optimize and employ precision CRISPR techniques such as base editing and prime editing to better understand the impacts of coding and non-coding variation on serum LDL-C levels and coronary artery disease risk. This work involves the development of novel high-throughput screening platforms and computational analysis approaches that have wide applicability in dissecting complex human disease genetics.

Fri, 03 Mar 2023

14:00 - 15:00

An agent-based model of the tumour microenvironment

Dr Cicely Macnamara
(School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Glasgow)

The term cancer covers a multitude of bodily diseases, broadly categorised by having cells which do not behave normally. Cancer cells can arise from any type of cell in the body; cancers can grow in or around any tissue or organ making the disease highly complex. My research is focused on understanding the specific mechanisms that occur in the tumour microenvironment via mathematical and computational modelling. In this talk I shall present a 3D individual-based force-based model for tumour growth and development in which we simulate the behaviour of, and spatio-temporal interactions between, cells, extracellular matrix fibres and blood vessels. Each agent is fully realised, for example, cells are described as viscoelastic sphere with radius and centre given within the off-lattice model. Interactions are primarily governed by mechanical forces between elements. However, as well as he mechanical interactions we also consider chemical interactions, by coupling the code to a finite element solver to model the diffusion of oxygen from blood vessels to cells, as well as intercellular aspects such as cell phenotypes. 

Fri, 24 Feb 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Decoding nanopore signals

Dr David Page
(Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc)

Nanopore sequencing is a method to infer the sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA molecules from small variations in ionic current during transit through a nanoscale pore. We will give an introduction to nanopore sequencing and some of its applications and then explore simple models of the signal generation process. These can provide insight to guide optimisation of the system and inform the design of more flexible neural network models, capable of extracting the rich contextual information required for accurate sequence inference.

Fri, 17 Feb 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Understanding Turing patterns in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion systems

Prof Robert A. Van Gorder
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Otago)

The Turing pattern is a key concept in the modern study of reaction-diffusion systems, with Turing patterns proposed a possible explanation for the spatial structure observed in myriad physical, chemical, and biological systems. Real-world systems are not always so clean as idealized Turing systems, and in this talk we will take up the case of more messy reaction-diffusion systems involving explicit space or time dependence in diffusion or reaction terms. Turing systems of this nature arise in several applications, such as when a Turing system is studied on a growing substrate, is subjected to a temperature gradient, or is immersed within a fluid flow. The analysis of these messy Turing systems is not as straightforward as in the idealized case, with the explicit space or time dependence greatly complicating or even preventing most standard routes of analysis. Motivated by patterning in phenomena involving explicit space or time dependence, and by the interesting mathematical challenges inherent in the study of such systems, in this talk we consider the following questions:

* Is it possible to obtain generalizations of the Turing instability conditions for non-autonomous, spatially heterogeneous reaction-diffusion systems?
* What can one say about predicting nascent patterns in these systems?
* What role does explicit space or time dependence play in selecting fully developed patterns in these systems?
* Is it possible to exploit this space or time dependence in order to manipulate the form of emergent patterns?

We will also highlight some of the applications opened up by the analysis of heterogeneous Turing systems.

Fri, 10 Feb 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Inference of stem cell and tissue dynamics in development and regeneration

Dr Linus Schumacher
(Centre For Regenerative Medicine University of Edinburgh)

The dynamics of a tissue in development or regeneration arises from the behaviour of its constituent cells and their interactions. We use mathematical models and inference from experimental data to to infer the likely cellular behaviours underlying changing tissue states. In this talk I will show examples of how we apply canonical birth-death process models to novel experimental data, how we are extending such models with volume exclusion and multistate dynamics, and how we attempt to more generally learn cell-cell interaction models directly from data in interpretable ways. The applications range from in vitro models of embryo development to in vivo blood regeneration that is disrupted with ageing.

Fri, 03 Feb 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Challenges in modeling the transmission dynamics of childhood diseases

Prof Felicia Magpantay
(Dept of Math and Stats Queen’s University Kingston)

Mathematical models of childhood diseases are often fitted using deterministic methods under the assumption of homogeneous contact rates within populations. Such models can provide good agreement with data in the absence of significant changes in population demography or transmission, such as in the case of pre-vaccine era measles. However, accurate modeling and forecasting after the start of mass vaccination has proved more challenging. This is true even in the case of measles which has a well understood natural history and a very effective vaccine. We demonstrate how the dynamics of homogeneous and age-structured models can be similar in the absence of vaccination, but diverge after vaccine roll-out. We also present some fundamental differences in deterministic and stochastic methods to fit models to data, and propose techniques to fit long term time series with imperfect covariate information. The methods we develop can be applied to many types of complex systems beyond those in disease ecology.

Fri, 27 Jan 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Digital twin models for the precision diagnosis and therapy of cancer

Prof Walter Kolch
(School of Medicine University College Dublin)

Approaches to personalized diagnosis and treatment in oncology are heavily reliant on computer models that use molecular and clinical features to
characterize an individual patient’s disease. Most of these models use genome and/or gene expression sequences to develop classifiers of a patient’s
tumor. However, in order to fully model the behavior and therapy response of a tumor, dynamic models are desirable that can act like a Digital Twin of
the cancer patient allowing prognostic and predictive simulations of disease progression, therapy responses and development of resistance. We are
constructing Digital Twins of cancer patients in order to perform dynamic and predictive simulations that improve patient stratification and
facilitate the design of individualized therapeutic strategies. Using a hybrid approach that combines artificial intelligence / machine learning
with dynamic mechanistic modelling we are developing a computational framework for generating Digital Twins. This framework can integrate
different types of data (multiomics, clinical, and existing knowledge) and produces personalized computational models of a patient’s tumor. The
computational models are validated and refined by experimental work and in retrospective patient studies. We present some of the results of the dynamic
Digital Twins simulations in neuroblastoma. They include (i) identification on non-MYCN amplified high risk patients; (ii) prediction of individual
patients’ responses to chemotherapy; and (iii) identification of new drug targets for personalized therapy. Digital Twin models allow the dynamic and
mechanistic simulation of disease progression and therapy response. They are useful for the stratification of patients and the design of personalized

Fri, 20 Jan 2023

14:00 - 15:00

The inevitable emergence of density-dependent diffusion in expanding phage populations

Dr Diana Fusco
(Dept of Physics University of Cambridge)

Reaction-diffusion waves have long been used to describe the growth and spread of populations undergoing a spatial range expansion. Such waves are generally classed as either pulled, where the dynamics are driven by the very tip of the front and stochastic fluctuations are high, or pushed, where cooperation in growth or dispersal results in a bulk-driven wave in which fluctuations are suppressed. These concepts have been well studied experimentally in populations where the cooperation leads to a density-dependent growth rate. By contrast, relatively little is known about experimental populations that exhibit a density-dependent dispersal rate.

Using bacteriophage T7 as a test organism, we present novel experimental measurements that demonstrate that the diffusion of phage T7, in a lawn of host E. coli, is hindered by steric interactions with host bacteria cells. The coupling between host density, phage dispersal and cell lysis caused by viral infection results in an effective density-dependent diffusion rate akin to cooperative behavior. Using a system of reaction-diffusion equations, we show that this effect can result in a transition from a pulled to pushed expansion. Moreover, we find that a second, independent density-dependent effect on phage dispersal spontaneously emerges as a result of the viral incubation period, during which phage is trapped inside the host unable to disperse. Our results indicate both that bacteriophage can be used as a controllable laboratory population to investigate the impact of density-dependent dispersal on evolution, and that the genetic diversity and adaptability of expanding viral populations could be much greater than is currently assumed.

Fri, 18 Nov 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Beyond DNA damage

Prof Hooshang Nikjoo
(Department of Physiology Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford )
Fri, 11 Nov 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Identifying cell-to-cell variability using mathematical and statistical modelling

Dr Alex Browning
(Dept of Mathematics, University of Oxford)

Cell-to-cell variability is often a primary source of variability in experimental data. Yet, it is common for mathematical analysis of biological systems to neglect biological variability by assuming that model parameters remain fixed between measurements. In this two-part talk, I present new mathematical and statistical tools to identify cell-to-cell variability from experimental data, based on mathematical models with random parameters. First, I identify variability in the internalisation of material by cells using approximate Bayesian computation and noisy flow cytometry measurements from several million cells. Second, I develop a computationally efficient method for inference and identifiability analysis of random parameter models based on an approximate moment-matched solution constructed through a multivariate Taylor expansion. Overall, I show how analysis of random parameter models can provide more precise parameter estimates and more accurate predictions with minimal additional computational cost compared to traditional modelling approaches.

Fri, 28 Oct 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Emergent digital biocomputation through spatial diffusion and engineered bacteria

Prof Chris Barnes
(Dept of Cell and Developmental Biology UCL) )

Building computationally capable biological systems has long been an aim of synthetic biology. The potential utility of bio-computing devices ranges from biosafety and environmental applications to diagnosis and personalised medicine. Here we present work on the design of bacterial computers which use spatial patterning to process information. A computer is composed of a number of bacterial colonies which, inspired by patterning in embryo development, communicate using diffusible morphogen-like signals. A computation is programmed into the overall physical arrangement of the system by arranging colonies such that the resulting diffusion field encodes the desired function, and the output is represented in the spatial pattern displayed by the colonies. We first mathematically demonstrate the simple digital logic capability of single bacterial colonies and show how additional structure is required to build complex functions. Secondly, inspired by electronic design automation, an algorithm for designing optimal spatial circuits computing two-level digital logic functions is presented, extending the capability of our system to complex digital functions without significantly increasing the biological complexity. We implement experimentally a proof-of-principle system using engineered Escherichia coli interpreting diffusion fields formed from droplets of an inducer molecule. Our approach will open up new ways to perform biological computation, with applications in synthetic biology, bioengineering and biosensing. Ultimately, these computational bacterial communities will help us explore information processing in natural biological systems.

Fri, 21 Oct 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Systematic elucidation of genetic mechanisms underlying cholesterol uptake

Prof ~Richard Sherwood
(Brigham and Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School)

The overall goal of the Sherwood lab is to advance genomic and precision medicine applications through high-throughput, multi-disciplinary science. In this talk, I will review a suite of high-throughput genomic and cellular perturbation platforms using CRISPR-based genome editing that the lab has developed to improve our understanding of genetic disease, gene regulation, and genome editing outcomes.

This talk will focus on recent efforts using combined analysis of rare coding variants from the UK Biobank and genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout and activation screening to improve the identification of genes, coding variants, and non-coding variants whose alteration impacts serum LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Through these efforts, we show that dysfunction of the RAB10 vesicle transport pathway leads to hypercholesterolemia in humans and mice by impairing surface LDL receptor levels. Further, we demonstrate that loss of function of OTX2 leads to robust reduction in serum LDL-C levels in mice and humans by increasing cellular LDL-C uptake. Finally, we unveil an activity-normalized base editing screening framework to better understand the impacts of coding and non-coding variation on serum LDL-C levels, altogether providing a roadmap for further efforts to dissect complex human disease genetics.

Fri, 14 Oct 2022

Stochastic dynamics of cell fate decisions and the gene regulatory networks that underlie them

Prof Adam MacLean
(USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences University of Southern California)

Cell fate decision-making is responsible for development and homeostasis, and is dysregulated in disease. Despite great promise, we are yet to harness the high-resolution cell state information that is offered by single-cell genomics data to understand cell fate decision-making as it is controlled by gene regulatory networks. We describe how we leveraged joint dynamics + genomics measurements in single cells to develop a new framework for single-cell-informed Bayesian parameter inference of Ca2+ pathway dynamics in single cells. This work reveals a mapping from transcriptional state to dynamic cell fate. But no cell is an island: cell-internal gene regulatory dynamics act in concert with external signals to control cell fate. We developed a multiscale model to study the effects of cell-cell communication on gene regulatory network dynamics controlling cell fates in hematopoiesis. Specifically, we couple cell-internal ODE models with a cell signaling model defined by a Poisson process. We discovered a profound role for cell-cell communication in controlling the fates of single cells, and show how our results resolve a controversy in the literature regarding hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. Overall, we argue for the need to consider single-cell-resolved models to understand and predict the fates of cells.