Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 18 Sep 2008

13:30 - 14:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Characterization of generalized gradient Young measures in $W^{1,1}$ and $BV$

Filip Rindler
(Technical University of Berlin)

This talk first introduces generalized Young measures (or DiPerna/Majda measures) in an $L^1$-setting. This extension to classical Young measures is able to quantitatively account for both oscillation and concentration phenomena in generating sequences.

We establish several fundamental properties like compactness and representation of nonlinear integral functionals and present some examples. Then, generalized Young measures generated by $W^{1,1}$- and $BV$-gradients are more closely examined and several tools to manipulate them (including averaging and approximation) are presented.

Finally, we address the question of characterizing the set of generalized Young measures generated by gradients in the spirit of the Kinderlehrer-Pedregal Theorem.

This is joint work with Jan Kristensen.

Tue, 16 Sep 2008

14:00 - 15:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Non-periodic Γ-convergence

Helia Serrano
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Γ-convergence is a variational convergence on functionals. The explicit characterization of the integrand of the Γ-limit of sequences of integral functionals with periodic integrands is by now well known. Here we focus on the explicit characterization of the limit energy density of a sequence of functionals with non-periodic integrands. Such characterization is achieved in terms of the Young measure associated with relevant sequences of functions. Interesting examples are considered.

Mon, 01 Sep 2008

13:30 - 14:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

About yield surfaces of phase transformation for some shape memory alloys: duality and convexity. Application to fracture.

Christian Lexcellent
(University of Franche-Comte)

Multiaxial mechanical proportional loadings on shape memory alloys undergoing phase transformation permit to determine the yield curve of phase transformation initiation in the stress space. We show how to transport this yield surface in the set of effective transformation strains of producted phase M. Two numerical applications are done concerning a Cu Al Be and a Ni Ti polycrystallines shape memory alloys. A special attention is devoted to establish a convexity criterium of these surfaces.

Moreover an application to the determination of the phase transformation surface around the crack tip for SMA fracture is performed.

At last some datas are given concerning the SMA damping behavior


Christian Lexcellent, Rachid Laydi, Emmanuel Foltete, Manuel collet and Frédéric Thiebaud

FEMTO-ST Département de Mécanique Appliquée Université de Franche Comte Besançon France

Fri, 18 Jul 2008

13:30 - 14:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

On Monge-Ampere type equations with supplementary ellipticity

Neil Trudinger
(Australian National University)

We present a selection of recent results pertaining to Hessian

and Monge-Ampere equations, where the Hessian matrix is augmented by a

matrix valued lower order operator. Equations of this type arise in

conformal geometry, geometric optics and optimal transportation.In

particular we will discuss structure conditions, due to Ma,Wang and

myself, which imply the regularity of solutions.These conditions are a

refinement of a condition used originally by Pogorelev for general

equations of Monge-Ampere type in two variables and called strong

ellipticity by him.

Tue, 03 Jun 2008

13:30 - 14:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Non-conforming and conforming methods for minimization problems exhibiting the Lavrentiev phenomenon

Christoph Ortner
(University of Oxford)

I will begin by talking briefly about the Lavrentiev phenomenon and its implications for computations. In short, if a minimization problem exhibits a Lavrentiev gap then `naive' numerical methods cannot be used to solve it. In the past, several regularization techniques have been used to overcome this difficulty. I will briefly mention them and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

The main part of the talk will be concerned with a class of convex problems, and I will show that for this class, relatively simple numerical methods, namely (i) the Crouzeix--Raviart FEM and (ii) the P2-FEM with under-integration, can successfully overcome the Lavrentiev gap.

Wed, 21 May 2008

13:30 - 14:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Numerical analysis of a Fourier spectral method for a pattern forming gradient flow equation

Nicolas Condette
(Humboldt-Univ, Berlin)

We propose and analyze a fully discrete Fourier collocation scheme to

solve numerically a nonlinear equation in 2D space derived from a

pattern forming gradient flow. We prove existence and uniqueness of the

numerical solution and show that it converges to a solution of the

initial continuous problem. We also derive some error estimates and

perform numerical experiments to illustrate the theory.

Fri, 25 Apr 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Shock Reflection-Diffraction, Transonic Flow, and Free Boundary Problems

Gui-Qiang Chen
(Northwestern University)
In this talk we will start with various shock reflection-diffraction phenomena, their fundamental scientific issues, and their theoretical roles in the mathematical theory of multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Then we will describe how the global shock reflection-diffraction problems can be formulated as free boundary problems for nonlinear conservation laws of mixed-composite hyperbolic-elliptic type.

Finally we will discuss some recent developments in attacking the shock reflection-diffraction problems, including the existence, stability, and regularity of global regular configurations of shock reflection-diffraction by wedges. The approach includes techniques to handle free boundary problems, degenerate elliptic equations, and corner singularities, which is highly motivated by experimental, computational, and asymptotic results. Further trends and open problems in this direction will be also addressed. This talk will be mainly based on joint work with M. Feldman.

Thu, 24 Apr 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Some results on the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

I. Gallagher
(Paris VII)
It is well known that the three dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations have a unique, global solution provided the initial data is small enough in a scale invariant space (say L3 for instance). We are interested in finding examples for which no smallness condition is imposed, but nevertheless the associate solution is global and unique. The examples we will present are due to collaborations with Jean-Yves Chemin, and with Marius Paicu.
Thu, 06 Mar 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

"Regularization under nonlinear constraints"

Sorin Mardare
As all analysts know, solving a problem which contains some kind of nonlinearity is generally far from being obvious. This is of course the case when we deal with nonlinear PDEs, but also when we have linear systems with some nonlinear compatibility conditions. One example is constituted by the systems of first order linear partial differential equations. If the coefficients are regular, there is a classical way to solve this systems. However, if the coefficients are only of class Lp, the classical methods cannot be applied. We will show how this problem can be solved by using a method of regularization which allows to preserve the nonlinear compatibility conditions. Then we will present some possible applications to the theory of elasticity. In the end some open problems related to similar aspects will be discussed. Example of such a problem: the rigidity of deformations of class H1.
Thu, 28 Feb 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

" The Gamma-limit of a finite-strain Cosserat model for asymptotically thin domains versus a formal dimensional reduction."

Patrizio Neff
We are concerned with the derivation of the Γ-limit to a three dimensional geometrically exact Cosserat model as the relative thickness h > 0 of a at domain tends to zero. The Cosserat bulk model involves already exact rotations as a second independent field and this model is meant to describe defective elastic crystals liable to fracture under shear.
It is shown that the Γ-limit based on a natural scaling assumption con- sists of a membrane like energy contribution and a homogenized transverse shear energy both scaling with h, augmented by an additional curvature stiffness due to the underlying Cosserat bulk formulation, also scaling with h. No specific bending term appears in the dimensional homogenization process. The formulation exhibits an internal length scale Lc which sur- vives the homogenization process. A major technical difficulty, which we encounter in applying the Γ-convergence arguments, is to establish equi- coercivity of the sequence of functionals as the relative thickness h tends to zero. Usually, equi-coercivity follows from a local coerciveness assump- tion. While the three-dimensional problem is well-posed for the Cosserat couple modulus μc ≥ 0, equi-coercivity forces us to assume a strictly pos- itive Cosserat couple modulus μc > 0. The Γ-limit model determines the midsurface deformation m ∈ H1,2(ω;R3). For the case of zero Cosserat couple modulus μc= 0 we obtain an estimate of the Γ - lim inf and Γ - lim sup, without equi-coercivity which is then strenghtened to a Γ- convergence result for zero Cosserat couple modulus. The classical linear Reissner-Mindlin model is "almost" the linearization of the Γ-limit for μc = 0 apart from a stabilizing shear energy term.
Wed, 27 Feb 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR

" Spectral computations of models for martensitic phase transformations"

Benson Muite

We describe how to perform high resolution simulations of viscoelastic continuum mechanical models for martensitic transformations with diffuse interfaces. The computational methods described may also be of use in performing high resolution simulations of time dependent partial differential equations where solutions are sufficiently smooth.