Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 01 May 2008

14:30 - 15:30

Quadratic duality and applications

Volodymyr Mazorchuk
(University of Glasgow/Uppsala University)

For a positively graded algebra A we construct a functor from the derived

category of graded A-modules to the derived category of graded modules over

the quadratic dual A^! of A. This functor is an equivalence of certain

bounded subcategories if and only if the algebra A is Koszul. In the latter

case the functor gives the classical Koszul duality. The approach I will

talk about uses the category of linear complexes of projective A-modules.

Its advantage is that the Koszul duality functor is given in a nice and

explicit way for computational applications. The applications I am going to

discuss are Koszul dualities between certain functors on the regular block

of the category O, which lead to connections between different

categorifications of certain knot invariants. (Joint work with S.Ovsienko

and C.Stroppel.)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008

14:30 - 15:30

Hall algebras and Quantum Frobenius

Kevin McGerty
(Imperial College, London)

Lusztig discover an integral lift of the Frobenius morphism for algebraic groups in positive characteristic to quantum groups at a root of unity. We will describe how this map may be constructed via the Hall algebra realization of a quantum group.

Thu, 31 Jan 2008

13:30 - 14:30

Reconstruction Algebras for two-dimensional quotient singularities

Michael Wemyss

I will describe how to build a noncommutative ring which dictates

the process of resolving certain two-dimensional quotient singularities.

Algebraically this corresponds to generalizing the preprojective algebra of

an extended Dynkin quiver to a larger class of geometrically useful

noncommutative rings. I will explain the representation theoretic properties

of these algebras, with motivation from the geometry.

Thu, 24 Jan 2008

13:30 - 14:30

On a conjecture of Foulkes

Johannes Siemons
(East Anglia)

For the integers $a$ and $b$ let $P(a^b)$ be all partitions of the

set $N= {1,..., ab}$ into parts of size $a.$ Further, let

$\mathbb{C}P (a^b)$ be the corresponding permutation module for the

symmetric group acting on $N.$ A conjecture of Foulkes says

that $\mathbb{C}P (a^b)$ is isomorphic to a submodule of $\mathbb{C}P

(b^a)$ for all $a$ not larger than $b.$ The conjecture goes back to

the 1950's but has remained open. Nevertheless, for some values of

$b$ there has been progress. I will discuss some proofs and further

conjectures. There is a close correspondence between the

representations of the symmetric groups and those of the general

linear groups, via Schur-Weyl duality. Foulkes' conjecture therefore

has implications for $GL$-representations. There are interesting

connections to classical invariant theory which I hope to mention.

Thu, 17 Jan 2008

Annihilators of permutation modules

Steve Doty

The representation theory of symmetric groups starts with

the permutation modules. It turns out that the annihilator of a

permutation module can be described explicitly in terms of the

combinatorics of Murphy's cellular basis of the group algebra of the

symmetric group in question. In fact, we will show that the

annihilator is always a cell ideal. This is recent joint work with K.


Thu, 29 Nov 2007

13:30 - 14:30

An introduction to higher-dimensional category theory

Eugenia Cheng

Category theory is used to study structures in various branches of

mathematics, and higher-dimensional category theory is being developed to

study higher-dimensional versions of those structures. Examples include

higher homotopy theory, higher stacks and gerbes, extended TQFTs,

concurrency, type theory, and higher-dimensional representation theory. In

this talk we will present two general methods for "categorifying" things,

that is, for adding extra dimensions: enrichment and internalisation. We

will show how these have been applied to the definition and study of

2-vector spaces, with 2-representation theory in mind. This talk will be

introductory; in particular it should not be necessary to be familiar with

any category theory other than the basic idea of categories and functors.

Thu, 22 Nov 2007

13:30 - 14:30

From Springer fibres to a cellular algebra and its quasi-hereditary cover

Catharina Stroppel

I will discuss how one can construct nice cellular

algebras using the cohomology of Springer fibres associated with two

block nilpotent matrices (and the convolution product). Their

quasi-hereditary covers can be described via categories of highest

weight modules for the Lie algebra sl(n). The combinatorics of torus

fixed points in the Springer fibre describes decomposition

multiplicities for the corresponding highest weight categories. As a

result one gets a natural subcategory of coherent sheaves on a

resolution of the slice to the corresponding nilpotent orbit.

Thu, 15 Nov 2007

13:30 - 14:30

Relative cohomology theories for group algebras

Matthew Grime

There are many triangulated categories that arise in the study

of group cohomology: the derived, stable or homotopy categories, for

example. In this talk I shall describe the relative cohomological

versions and the relationship with ordinary cohomology. I will explain

what we know (and what we would like to know) about these categories, and

how the representation type of certain subgroups makes a fundamental


Thu, 14 Jun 2007


Catharina Stroppel
Thu, 17 May 2007


Sarah Scherotzke