WV (formerly called wordview) provides a set of commands for converting Microsoft Word Documents to other formats.

NOTE: WV is still a developing package and may not handle figures correctly in all case. It is unlikely to handle equations at all.

  • wvHtml: convert your Word document into HTML4.0
  • wvLatex: convert your Word document into visually (pretty) correct LaTeX
  • wvCleanLatex: convert into 'cleaner' LaTeX containing less visual mark-up, more suitable for further use and LyX import. Work in progress
  • wvDVI: converts word to DVI. Requires 'latex'
  • wvPS: converts word to PostScript. Requires 'dvips'
  • wvText: converts word to plain text. Textually correct output requires 'lynx.' For poor output, this doesn't require anything special.
  • wvWml: converts word to WML for viewing on portable devices like WebPhones and Palm Pilots.

For example

wvHtml input.doc output.html
Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 02 Apr 2022 21:54.