Thu, 09 May 2013
16:00 - 16:30
DH 1st floor SR
Chiara Daraio
ETH, Zurich

We develop a physical understanding of how stress waves propagate in uniform, heterogeneous, ordered and disordered media composed of discrete granular particles. We exploit this understanding to create experimentally novel materials and devices at different scales, (for example, for application in energy absorption, acoustic imaging and energy harvesting). We control the constitutive behavior of the new materials selecting the particles’ geometry, their arrangement and materials properties. One-dimensional chains of particles exhibit a highly nonlinear dynamic response, allowing a completely new type of wave propagation that has opened the door to exciting fundamental physical observations (i.e., compact solitary waves, energy trapping phenomena, and acoustic rectification). This talk will focus on energy localization and redirection in one-, two- and three-dimensional systems. (For an extended abstract please contact Ruth @email).

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