Tue, 26 Nov 2013
14:00 - 14:30
Sander Rhebergen
University of Oxford

We discuss the development of finite element techniques and solvers for magma dynamics computations. These are implemented within the FEniCS framework. This approach allows for user-friendly, expressive, high-level code development, but also provides access to powerful, scalable numerical solvers and a large family of finite element discretizations. The ability to easily scale codes to three dimensions with large meshes means that efficiency of the numerical algorithms is vital. We therefore describe our development and analysis of preconditioners designed specifically for finite element discretizations of equations governing magma dynamics. The preconditioners are based on Elman-Silvester-Wathen methods for the Stokes equation, and we extend these to flows with compaction.  This work is joint with Andrew Wathen and Richard Katz from the University of Oxford and Laura Alisic, John Rudge and Garth Wells from the University of Cambridge.

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