Tue, 13 May 2014
14:00 - 14:30
Iain Smears
University of Oxford

Several problems lead to the question of how well can a fine grid function be approximated by a coarse grid function, such as preconditioning in finite element methods or data compression and image processing. Particular challenges in answering this question arise when the functions may be only piecewise-continuous, or when the coarse space is not nested in the fine space. In this talk, we solve the problem by using a stable approximation from a space of globally smooth functions as an intermediate step, thereby allowing the use of known approximation results to establish the approximability by a coarse space. We outline the proof, which relies on techniques from the theory of discontinuous Galerkin methods and on the theory of Helmholtz decompositions. Finally, we present an application of our to nonoverlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for hp-version DGFEM.

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