Tue, 17 Oct 2017
14:00 - 14:30
Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali
University of Oxford

We propose and analyze a multilevel weighted least squares polynomial approximation method. Weighted least squares polynomial approximation uses random samples to determine projections of functions onto spaces of polynomials. It has been shown that using an optimal distribution of sample locations, the number of samples required to achieve quasi-optimal approximation in a given polynomial subspace scales, up to a logarithmic factor, linearly in the dimension of this space. However, in many applications, the computation of samples includes a numerical discretization error. Thus, obtaining polynomial approximations with a single level method can become prohibitively expensive, as it requires a sufficiently large number of samples, each computed with a sufficiently small discretization error. As a solution to this problem, we propose a multilevel method, which employs samples with different accuracies and is able to match the accuracy of single level approximations at reduced computational work. We prove complexity bounds under certain assumptions on polynomial approximability and sample work. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive
algorithm for situations where such assumptions cannot be verified a priori. Numerical experiments underline the practical applicability of our method.

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