Mon, 19 Feb 2018
14:15 - 15:15
Vicky Hoskins
Freie Universität Berlin

For many moduli problems, in order to construct a moduli space as a geometric invariant theory quotient, one needs to impose a notion of (semi)stability. Using recent results in non-reductive geometric invariant theory, we explain how to stratify certain moduli stacks in such a way that each stratum admits a coarse moduli space which is constructed as a geometric quotient of an action of a linear algebraic group with internally graded unipotent radical. As many stacks are
naturally filtered by quotient stacks, this involves describing how to stratify certain quotient stacks. Even for quotient stacks for reductive group actions, we see that non-reductive GIT is required to construct the coarse moduli spaces of the higher strata. We illustrate this point by studying the example of the moduli stack of coherent sheaves over a projective scheme. This is joint work with G. Berczi, J. Jackson and F. Kirwan.

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