Mon, 26 Feb 2018
14:15 - 15:15
Amihay Hanany

3d N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories provide a method for constructing HyperK\”ahler singularities, known as the Coulomb branch.
This method is complementary to the more traditional way of construction using HyperK\”ahler quotients, known in physics as the “Higgs branch”.
Out of all possible gauge theories there is an interesting subclass of quiver varieties, where the Coulomb branch has been studied in some detail.
Some examples are moduli spaces of classical and exceptional instantons and closures of nilpotent orbits. An interesting feature of Coulomb and Higgs branches is the phenomenon of "3d mirror symmetry” where for a pair of gauge theories, the Higgs branch and Coulomb branch exchange.
There is a large class of “mirror pairs” which I will discuss in some detail.

A topic of recent interest is the notion of implosions. I will argue that there is a simple operation on the quiver which leads to implosion. In other words, given a quiver such that its Coulomb branch is moduli space A, a simple operation of the quiver (making a bouquet) provides the implosion of A.
This has been tested on closures of nilpotent orbits of A type and on nilpotent cones of orthogonal groups and found to agree with the expected results.
If time permits, I will discuss isometries of Coulomb branches

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