Seminar series
Tue, 22 May 2018
14:15 - 15:30
Anthony Joseph
Weizmann Institute

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a semisimple Lie algebra.  A $\mathfrak g$-algebra is an associative algebra $R$ on which $\mathfrak g$ acts by derivations.  There are several significant examples.  Let $V$ a finite dimensional $\mathfrak g$ module and take  $R=\mathrm{End} V$ or $R=D(V)$ being the ring of derivations on  $V$ . Again take $R=U(\mathfrak g)$.   In all these cases  $ S=U(\mathfrak g)\otimes R$ is again a $\mathfrak g$-algebra.  Finally let $T$ denote the subalgebra of invariants of $S$.
For the first choice of $R$ above the representation theory of $T$ can be rather explicitly described in terms of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.  In the second case the simple $T$ modules can be described in terms of the simple $D(V)$ modules.  In the third case it is shown that all simple $T$ modules are finite dimensional, despite the fact that $T$ is not a PI ring,  except for the case $\mathfrak  g =\mathfrak {sl}(2)$.

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