Mon, 05 Nov 2018
14:15 - 15:15
Maurico Correa
Minas Gerais

We describe the moduli space of distributions in terms of Grothendieck’s Quot-scheme for the tangent bundle. In certain cases, we show that the moduli space of codimension one distributions on the projective space is an irreducible, nonsingular quasi-projective variety.

 We study codimension one holomorphic distributions on projective three-space, analyzing the properties of their singular schemes and tangent sheaves. In particular, we provide a classification of codimension one distributions of degree at most 2. We show how the connectedness of the curves in the singular sets of foliations is an integrable phenomenon. This part of the  talk  is work joint with  M. Jardim(Unicamp) and O. Calvo-Andrade(Cimat).

We also study foliations by curves via the investigation  of their  singular schemes and  conormal  sheaves and we provide a classification  of foliations of degree at most 3 with  conormal  sheaves locally free.  Foliations of degrees  1 and 2 are aways given by a global intersection of two codimension one distributions. In the classification of degree 3 appear Legendrian foliations, foliations whose  conormal sheaves are instantons and other ” exceptional”
type examples. This part of the  talk   is  work joint with  M. Jardim(Unicamp) and S. Marchesi(Unicamp).


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