Seminar series
Tue, 26 Nov 2019
12:00 - 13:00
Ambrose Yim
Mathematical Institute

Persistent homology has been applied to graph classification problems as a way of generating vectorizable features of graphs that can be fed into machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks. A key ingredient of this approach is a filter constructor that assigns vector features to nodes to generate a filtration. In the case where the filter constructor is smoothly tuned by a set of real parameters, we can train a neural network graph classifier on data to learn an optimal set of parameters via the backpropagation of gradients that factor through persistence diagrams [Leygonie et al., arXiv:1910.00960]. We propose a flexible, spectral-based filter constructor that parses standalone graphs, generalizing methods proposed in [Carrière et al., arXiv: 1904.09378]. Our method has an advantage over optimizable filter constructors based on iterative message passing schemes (`graph neural networks’) [Hofer et al., arXiv: 1905.10996] which rely on heuristic user inputs of vertex features to initialise the scheme for datasets where vertex features are absent. We apply our methods to several benchmark datasets and demonstrate results comparable to current state-of-the-art graph classification methods.

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