Mon, 21 Feb 2022
Lorenzo Foscolo
University College London

We study the behaviour of anti-self-dual instantons on $\mathbb{R}^3 \times S^1$ (also known as calorons) under codimension-1 collapse, i.e. when the circle factor shrinks to zero length. In this limit, the instanton equation reduces to the well-known Bogomolny equation of magnetic monopoles on $\mathbb{R}^3 $. However, inspired by work of Kraan and van Baal in the mathematical physics literature, we show how $SU(2)$ instantons can be realised as superpositions of monopoles and "rotated monopoles" glued into a singular background abelian configuration consisting of Dirac monopoles of positive and negative charges. I will also discuss generalisations of the construction to calorons with arbitrary structure group and potential applications to the hyperkähler geometry of moduli spaces of calorons. This is joint work with Calum Ross.

Further Information

The talk will be both online (Teams) and in person (L5)

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