Seminar series
Tue, 17 May 2022
14:00 - 15:00
Angélica Sousa da Mata
Federal University of Lavras

Synchronization, epidemic processes and information spreading are natural processes that emerge from the interaction between people. Mathematically, all of them can be described by models that, despite their simplicity, they can predict collective behaviors. In addition, they have in common a very interesting feature: a phase transition from an active state to an absorbing state. For example, the spread of an epidemic is characterized by the infection rate, the control parameter, which basically determines whether the epidemic will spread in the network or, if this rate is very low, few people become infected and the system falls into an absorbing state where there are no more infected people. In this presentation we will present the analytical and computational approaches used to investigate these classical models of statistical physics that present phase transitions and we will also show how the network topology influences such dynamical processes. The behavior of such dynamics can be much richer than we imagine.

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