Tue, 23 Oct 2007
Laszlo Szekely
The Lovasz Local Lemma is known to have an extension for cases where the dependency graph requirement is relaxed to negative dependency graph (Erdos-Spencer 1991). The difficulty is to find relevant negative dependency graphs that are not dependency graphs. We provide two generic constructions for negative dependency graphs, in the space of random matchings of complete and complete bipartite graphs. As application, we prove existence results for hypergraph packing and Turan type extremal problems. We strengthen the classic probabilistic proof of Erdos for the existence of graphs with large girth and chromatic number by prescribing the degree sequence, which has to satisfy some mild conditions. A more surprising application is that tight asymptotic lower bounds can be obtained for asymptotic enumeration problems using the Lovasz Local Lemma. This is joint work with Lincoln Lu.
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