Correlation One is a New York based startup that hosts data science and engineering competitions for the world’s best STEM students. 

We are excited to announce that this upcoming Spring, we are partnering with Citadel and Citadel Securities to host the Europe Datathon, a data science competition that challenges students from the region’s best universities to tackle real-world social challenges in topics such as urban traffic, renewable energy, and education, as well as the  Europe Terminal, a games-based AI challenge, where players code strategies to automate gameplay.

Top performing students have the opportunity to win $15,000USD in cash prizes along with exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel  (both internships and full-time roles). The events are completely free and invite only. 


Europe Regional Datathon

Datathons are data science competitions that challenge students from the world's best universities to tackle real-world social challenges in topics such as urban traffic, renewable energy, and education. 

When: March 13 - 20 

Where: Virtual

Who: Undergraduates, graduates, Ph.D., and post-doc researchers

Prizes: $15,000USD + Exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel and Citadel Securities 



Europe Regional Terminal

Terminal Live is an online game where software engineers and computer scientists (or anyone else interested in coding!) build an algorithm to play a tower defense game in a team-based setting. Watch  this video  to see Terminal in action!

When: April 11 - 18 

Where: Virtual

Who: Undergraduates, graduates, Ph.D., and post-doc researchers

Prizes: $15,000USD + Exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel and Citadel Securities


Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 10 Feb 2023 15:17.