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The LMS will be running two workshops on mathematics communication: a Beginners session and an Advanced session. Mathematicians and maths communicators Ben Sparks and Katie Steckles will lead these interactive training sessions, covering the skills and techniques required to communicate maths effectively. They will also share their expertise in delivering interactive and engaging sessions.

The Beginners workshop will focus on what is needed to get started in communicating maths to different audiences and is suitable for those with little or no experience in mathematics communication

The Advanced workshop will look at how to build on and improve your existing skills and is for those with some experience and looking to take their activities to a new level.

Each workshops is limited to 20 people and are open to anyone who participates in, or wants to participate in, public engagement and communication activities in maths. You’ll have the chance to hear and share advice, discuss the principles behind good engagement, and develop and deliver your own interactive online demonstration.

The workshops will take place at De Morgan House in Russell Square, London and online via Zoom. As places are limited, it is not possible to attend both.

Click here to register for the beginners’ workshop: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/616407871537
Click here to register for the advanced workshop: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/619727580877

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 27 Apr 2023 14:46.