Seminar series
Tue, 13 Feb 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Jack Kelly
(University of Oxford)

Porta and Yue Yu's model of derived analytic geometry takes as its category of basic, or affine, objects the category opposite to simplicial algebras over the entire functional calculus Lawvere theory. This is analogous to Lurie's approach to derived algebraic geometry where the Lawvere theory is the one governing simplicial commutative rings, and Spivak's derived smooth geometry, using the Lawvere theory of C-infinity-rings. Although there have been numerous important applications including GAGA, base-change, and Riemann-Hilbert theorems, these methods are still missing some crucial ingredients. For example, they do not naturally beget a good definition of quasi-coherent sheaves satisfying descent. On the other hand, the Toen-Vezzosi-Deligne approach of geometry relative to a symmetric monoidal category naturally provides a definition of a category of quasi-coherent sheaves, and in two such approaches to analytic geometry using the categories of bornological and condensed abelian groups respectively, these categories do satisfy descent.  In this talk I will explain how to compare the Porta and Yue Yu model of derived analytic geometry with the bornological one. More generally we give conditions on a Lawvere theory such that its simplicial algebras embed fully faithfully into commutative bornological algebras. Time permitting I will show how the Grothendieck topologies on both sides match up, allowing us to extend the embedding to stacks.

This is based on joint work with Oren Ben-Bassat and Kobi Kremnitzer, and follows work of Kremnitzer and Dennis Borisov.

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