Seminar series
Tue, 05 Mar 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Oleg Chalykh
University of Leeds

For any smooth complex variety Y with an action of a finite group W, Etingof defines the global Cherednik algebra H_c and its spherical subalgebra B_c as certain sheaves of algebras over Y/W. When Y is an n-dimensional abelian variety, the algebra of global sections of B_c is a polynomial algebra on n generators, as shown by Etingof, Felder, Ma, and Veselov. This defines an integrable system on Y. In the case of Y being a product of n copies of an elliptic curve E and W=S_n, this reproduces the usual elliptic Calogero­­--Moser system. Recently, together with P. Argyres and Y. Lu, we proposed that many of these integrable systems at the classical level can be interpreted as Seiberg­­--Witten integrable systems of certain super­symmetric quantum field theories. I will describe our progress in understanding this connection for groups W=G(m, 1, n), corresponding to the case Y=E^n where E is an elliptic curves with Z_m symmetry, m=2,3,4,6. 

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