Thu, 01 Feb 2024
12:00 - 13:00
Dr. Corinna Maaß
University of Twente & Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Göttingen
In both experiment and numerics, active droplets are a simple but versatile toy model to study active processes from single agents to collective scales.
One hallmark of active or living matter lies in the conversion of microscopic free fuel energy to mesoscopic directed motion. Bio-microswimmers have evolved complex and sophisticated motility, like helical swimming or run-and-tumble dynamics, with similarly complex  mechanical or biochemical actuation.
However, similar periodic or chaotic motion may also arise simply from the nonlinear dynamics of fuel conversion that set autophoretic droplet swimmers in motion, leading to a wealth of biomimetic phenomena. In this talk, I will demonstrate how the interaction of a self-propelling droplet with its self-generated chemical and hydrodynamic environment generates swimming and pumping states, unsteady reorientation, helical dynamics and complex collective states.
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