Mon, 13 May 2024
Simon Pepin Lehalleur
KdV Institute, Amsterdam

The quadratic Euler characteristic of an algebraic variety is a (virtual) symmetric bilinear form which refines the topological Euler characteristic and contains interesting arithmetic information when the base field is not algebraically closed. For smooth projective varieties, it has a quite concrete expression in terms of the cup product and Serre duality for Hodge cohomology. However, for singular varieties, it is defined abstractly (using either cut and paste relations or motivic homotopy theory) and is still rather mysterious. I will first introduce this invariant and place it in the broader context of quadratic enumerative geometry. I will then explain some progress on concrete computations, first for symmetric powers (joint with Lenny Taelman) and second for conductor formulas for hypersurface singularities (older results with Marc Levine and Vasudevan Srinivas on the one hand, and joint work in progress with Ran Azouri, Niels Feld, Yonathan Harpaz and Tasos Moulinos on the other).

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