Tue, 18 May 2010
16:30 - 17:30
Alan Hammond
University of Oxford

The Wulff droplet arises by conditioning a spin system in a dominant

phase to have an excess of signs of opposite type. These gather

together to form a droplet, with a macroscopic Wulff profile, a

solution to an isoperimetric problem.

I will discuss recent work proving that the phase boundary that

delimits the signs of opposite type has a characteristic scale, both

at the level of exponents and their logarithmic corrections.

This behaviour is expected to be shared by a broad class of stochastic

interface models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class. Universal

distributions such as Tracy-Widom arise in this class, for example, as

the maximum behaviour of repulsive particle systems. time permitting,

I will explain how probabilistic resampling ideas employed in spin

systems may help to develop a qualitative understanding of the random

mechanisms at work in the KPZ class.

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