Tue, 08 Feb 2011
Lutz Warnke

The $C_\ell$-free process starts with the empty graph on $n$ vertices and adds edges chosen uniformly at random, one at a time, subject to the condition that no copy of $C_\ell$ is created. For every $\ell \geq 4$ we show that, with high probability as $n \to \infty$, the maximum degree is $O((n \log n)^{1/(\ell-1)})$, which confirms a conjecture of Bohman and Keevash and improves on bounds of Osthus and Taraz. Combined with previous results this implies that the $C_\ell$-free process typically terminates with $\Theta(n^{\ell/(\ell-1)}(\log n)^{1/(\ell-1)})$ edges, which answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Suen and Winkler. This is the first result that determines the final number of edges of the more general $H$-free process for a non-trivial \emph{class} of graphs $H$. We also verify a conjecture of Osthus and Taraz concerning the average degree, and obtain a new lower bound on the independence number. Our proof combines the differential equation method with a tool that might be of independent interest: we establish a rigorous way to `transfer' certain decreasing properties from the binomial random graph to the $H$-free process.

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