Seminar series
Tue, 17 Jan 2012
Professor S Gurevich

In the digital radar problem we design a function (waveform) S(t) in the Hilbert space H=C(Z/p) of complex valued functions on Z/p={0,...,p-1}, the integers modulo a prime number p>>0. We transmit the function S(t) using the radar to the object that we want to detect. The wave S(t) hits the object, and is reflected back via the echo wave R(t) in H, which has the form

R(t) = exp{2πiωt/p}⋅S(t+τ) + W(t),

where W(t) in H is a white noise, and τ,ω in ℤ/p, encode the distance from, and velocity of, the object.

Problem (digital radar problem) Extract τ,ω from R and S.

I first introduce the classical matched filter (MF) algorithm that suggests the 'traditional' way (using fast Fourier transform) to solve the digital radar problem in order of p^2⋅log(p) operations. I will then explain how to use techniques from group representation theory to design (construct) waveforms S(t) which enable us to introduce a fast matched filter (FMF) algorithm, that we call the "flag algorithm", which solves the digital radar problem in a much faster way of order of p⋅log(p) operations. I will demonstrate additional applications to mobile communication, and global positioning system (GPS).

This is a joint work with A. Fish (Math, Madison), R. Hadani (Math, Austin), A. Sayeed (Electrical Engineering, Madison), and O. Schwartz (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Berkeley).

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