Tue, 07 Feb 2012
14:30 - 15:30
Imre Leader (Cambridge)

If $A$ is a set of $n$ positive integers, how small can the set

$\{ x/(x,y) : x,y \in A \}$ be? Here, as usual, $(x,y)$ denotes the highest common factor of

$x$ and $y$. This elegant question was raised by Granville and Roesler, who

also reformulated it in the following way: given a set $A$ of $n$ points in

the integer grid ${\bf Z}^d$, how small can $(A-A)^+$, the projection of the difference

set of $A$ onto the positive orthant, be?

Freiman and Lev gave an example to show that (in any dimension) the size can

be as small as $n^{2/3}$ (up to a constant factor). Granville and Roesler

proved that in two dimensions this bound is correct, i.e. that the size is

always at least $n^{2/3}$, and they asked if this holds in any dimension.

After some background material, the talk will focus on recent developments.

Joint work with B\'ela Bollob\'as.

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