Thu, 07 Jun 2012
16:00 - 17:00
DH 1st floor SR
Luciano da F. Costa
Brazil University of São Paulo

Complex networks have been used to model almost any

real-world complex systems. An especially important

issue regards how to related their structure and dynamics,

which contributes not only for the better understanding of

such systems, but also to the prediction of important

dynamical properties from specific topological features.

In this talk I revise related research developed recently

in my group. Particularly attention is given to the concept

of accessibility, a new measurement integrating topology

and dynamics, and the relationship between frequency of

visits and node degree in directed modular complex

networks. Analytical results are provided that allow accurate

prediction of correlations between structure and dynamics

in systems underlain by directed diffusion. The methodology

is illustrated with respect to the macaque cortical network.

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