Mon, 22 May 2023

Generalized Charges of Symmetries

Lakshya Bhardwaj

I will discuss various possible ways a global symmetry can act on operators in a quantum field theory. The possible actions on q-dimensional operators are referred to as q-charges of the symmetry. Crucially, there exist generalized higher-charges already for an ordinary global symmetry described by a group G. The usual charges are 0-charges, describing the action of the symmetry group G on point-like local operators, which are well-known to correspond to representations of G. We find that there is a neat generalization of this fact to higher-charges: i.e. q-charges are (q+1)-representations of G. I will also discuss q-charges for generalized global symmetries, including not only invertible higher-form and higher-group symmetries, but also non-invertible categorical symmetries. This talk is based on a recent (arXiv: 2304.02660) and upcoming works with Sakura Schafer-Nameki.

The 2022 Hugon Steinhaus Award is given by the Polish Mathematical Society (PTM).

PTM gives its main awards each year: Stefan Banach award (for pure mathematics) and Hugon Steinhaus award (for applied mathematics). Jan recieved the latter for “overall contributions to mathematical finance with a particular emphasis on novel methods for studying robustness of models”.

Mon, 08 May 2023

Star-shaped quivers in four dimensions

Shlomo Razamat
We will review the notion of across dimension IR dualities. As a concrete example we will  discuss such 4d across dimensions dual Lagrangian descriptions of compactifications of the 6d  minimal D type conformal matter theory on a sphere with arbitrary number of punctures. The Lagrangian has the form of a ``star shaped quiver'' with the rank of the central node depending on the 6d theory and the number and type of punctures. Using these Lagrangians one can construct across dimensions duals for arbitrary compactifications (any genus and type of punctures) of the D type conformal matter.


Weighted signature kernels
Cass, T Lyons, T Xu, X Annals of Applied Probability volume 34 issue 1A 585-626 (28 Jan 2024)

The Oxford Maths Festival is our extravaganza of all the wonderful curiosities mathematics holds. Over two days you can immerse yourself in a wide range of events, with something for everyone, no matter age or prior mathematical experience.

Main Locations:

Templar's Square Shopping Centre (OX4 3XH): this is the main centre of activities on Saturday. The shopping centre is located in East Oxford.

Photos of, left to right, Angela, Anne and Clare

Why study mathematics? Where can it take you?

Well, you could be the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser (Angela McLean, left), the Director GCHQ, the UK intelligence agency (Anne Keast-Butler, centre) or Chief Executive Citizens Advice UK (Clare Moriarty, right).

Philip has been awarded the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Gold Medal 2022 "in recognition of his profound contributions to mathematics in biology and medicine, for the sustained role he has played in supporting and mentoring researchers in the early stages of their careers, and for the leadership he has shown in the biological mathematics community and the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology."

Philip's award is very popular on social media.

Arkady Wey has moved from DPhil student to InFoMM Doctoral Prize Research Associate working with Ian Griffiths in OCIAM: S2.14.

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