Tue, 21 Feb 2023

On the joint spectral radius

Emmanuel Breuillard
(University of Oxford)

The joint spectral radius of a finite family S of matrices measures the rate of exponential growth of the maximal norm of an element from the product set S^n as n grows. This notion was introduced by Rota and Strang in the 60s. It arises naturally in a number of contexts in pure and applied mathematics. I will discuss its basic properties and focus on a formula of Berger and Wang and results of J. Bochi that extend to several matrices the classical for formula of Gelfand that relates the growth rate of the powers of a single matrix to its spectral radius. I give new proofs and derive explicit estimates with polynomial dependence on the dimension, refining these results. If time permits I will also discuss connections with the Tits alternative, the notion of joint spectrum, and a geometric version of these results regarding groups acting on non-positively curved spaces.

The random periodic solution of a stochastic differential equation with a monotone drift and its numerical approximation
Wu, Y (18 Aug 2021)
Semi-implicit Taylor schemes for stiff rough differential equations
Riedel, S Wu, Y (24 Jun 2020)
The Galerkin Analysis for the Random Periodic Solution of Semilinear Stochastic Evolution Equations
Wu, Y Yuan, C Journal of Theoretical Probability volume 36 issue 1 (25 Jan 2023)

The Oxford University Scientific Society will be hosting their 2nd talk of this term on Thursday, February 2nd at 6.30 PM in the Levine Building Auditorium at Trinity College. The talk will be given by Professor Tony Kouzarides who will be visiting us from Cambridge. 

Prof. Tony FMedSci, FRS is a senior group leader Gurdon Institute, a founding non-executive director of Abcam and a Professor of Cancer Biology at the University of Cambridge.

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