Fridays@2 Full Schedule

Hopefully you all enjoyed the snacks and games at the Week 1 Fridays@2 today! The full Hilary 2023 Fridays@2 schedule is now available. 

Week 1

Snacks and Games Social!

Monolithic multigrid for implicit Runge-Kutta discretizations of incompressible fluid flow
Abu-Labdeh, R MacLachlan, S Farrell, P Journal of Computational Physics volume 478 (26 Jan 2023)

We are aware that a number of our Mathematics students will be producing longer pieces of writing this term, especially if you're working on a dissertation! With this in mind, we'd like to highlight Grammarly as a potential tool to assist with proofreading your written work. 

Grammarly is a tool which fixes mistakes and makes suggestions to make your writing clearer and more concise. It also has features such as inputting citations, detecting potential plagiarism and tone detection.

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