Identifying cell-to-cell variability in internalization using flow cytometry.
Browning, A Ansari, N Drovandi, C Johnston, A Simpson, M Jenner, A Journal of the Royal Society, Interface volume 19 issue 190 20220019- (25 May 2022)
Identifying cell-to-cell variability in internalisation using flow cytometry
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A Bayesian computational approach to explore the optimal duration of a cell proliferation assay
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Persistence as an optimal hedging strategy
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A stochastic mathematical model of 4D tumour spheroids with real-time fluorescent cell cycle labelling
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Stochastic Mathematical Models of Cell Proliferation Assays
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Identifying density-dependent interactions in collective cell behaviour
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Designing combination therapies using multiple optimal controls
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Inferring parameters for a lattice-free model of cell migration and proliferation using experimental data.
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Quantitative analysis of tumour spheroid structure
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