Spatial heterogeneity localizes Turing patterns in reaction-cross-diffusion systems
Gaffney, E Krause, A Maini, P wang, C Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B volume 28 issue 12 6092-6125 (20 Mar 2023)
Thu, 09 Mar 2023

A strong version of Cobham's theorem

Philipp Hieronymi
(Universitat Bonn)

Let $k,l>1$ be two multiplicatively independent integers. A subset $X$ of $\mathbb{N}^n$ is $k$-recognizable if the set of $k$-ary representations of $X$ is recognized by some finite automaton. Cobham's famous theorem states that a subset of the natural numbers is both $k$-recognizable and $l$-recognizable if and only if it is Presburger-definable (or equivalently: semilinear). We show the following strengthening. Let $X$ be $k$-recognizable, let $Y$ be $l$-recognizable such that both $X$ and $Y$ are not Presburger-definable. Then the first-order logical theory of $(\mathbb{N},+,X,Y)$ is undecidable. This is in contrast to a well-known theorem of Büchi that the first-order logical theory of $(\mathbb{N},+,X)$ is decidable. Our work strengthens and depends on earlier work of Villemaire and Bès. The essence of Cobham's theorem is that recognizability depends strongly on the choice of the base $k$. Our results strengthens this: two non-Presburger definable sets that are recognizable in multiplicatively independent bases, are not only distinct, but together computationally intractable over Presburger arithmetic. This is joint work with Christian Schulz.

Unbiased single cell spatial analysis localises inflammatory clusters of immature neutrophils-CD8 T cells to alveolar progenitor cells in fatal COVID-19 lungs
COSMIC – COVID-19 Lung Single Cell Mass Cytometry Imaging Consortium STUDY Weeratunga, P Denney, L Bull, J Repapi, E Sergeant, M Etherington, R Vuppussetty, C Turner, G Clelland, C Cross, A Issa, F de Andrea, C Bermejo, I Sims, D McGowan, S Zurke, Y Ahern, D Gamez, E Whalley, J Richards, D Klenerman, P Monaco, C Udalova, I Dong, T Ogg, G Knight, J Byrne, H Taylor, S Ho, L (01 Jan 2022)
Inertio-capillary rebound of a droplet impacting a fluid bath
Alventosa, L Cimpeanu, R Harris, D Journal of Fluid Mechanics volume 958 a24 (10 Mar 2023)

Opportunities Outside of Academia and Navigating the Transition to Industry - Modelling Climate Change at RMS Moody's - Dr Keven Roy

Today, 16:00, L1

EUROPT (EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization) honours outstanding researchers in continuous optimization by awarding an annual EUROPT Fellowship.

The Fellowship is presented to the awarded researcher at the EUROPT Workshop where they are invited to present the EUROPT Fellowship Lecture. This year's workshop will be held on 23-25 August at the Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary.

Minimizing congestion in single-source, single-sink queueing networks
Ying, F Porter, M Howison, S Beguerisse-Diaz, M SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics volume 83 issue 5 1832-1853 (15 Sep 2023)

Maths Corner Poster


If you're a Prelims student, don't miss the final Hilary session of The Maths Corner! Come along to the Mezz Study Room at 11am on Tuesday for snacks, studying, and maybe even some socialising. 

As you all may know, the past two Fridays@2 sessions have been on exams preparation. While this is important, it's equally important to take care of your health and wellbeing as we approach the start of the revision period. Therefore, the Week 8 Fridays@2 session is focused on wellbeing. 

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