Held in Champaign, Illinois, USA from July 3-July 22, 2022.

Applications for the 20th annual Wolfram Summer School are now open. "Students, educators, researchers and entrepreneurs alike will benefit from spending three weeks working closely on a project with our senior developers and Stephen Wolfram himself".

The School covers four fields including physics and metamathematics (sic), a new initiative dedicated to the study of the computational origins, structure, and future of mathematics.

17th June, 7:30-8:30pm, Mathematical Institute

Free attendance, with wine and canapés provided afterwards.

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen mathematicians play an unprecedented role. They have developed equations to understand the spreading of infection and to determine whether our hospitals could cope with the demand for intensive care beds. These equations have been instrumental in the UK government’s decision making throughout the pandemic.

To mark National Numeracy Day (18th May), the University Digital Team asked us to come up with a short film. Now basing your social media on flag days can be a little like chasing ambulances, but equally we want to work with them to present maths as more than just puzzles and MAT questions. So Vicky had an idea. Here it is. 

17th June, 7:30-8:30pm, Mathematical Institute

Free attendance, with wine and canapés provided afterwards.

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