InFoMM Industrial Engagement Committee

InFoMM's industrial activities are overseen by an Industrial Engagement Committee. The committee meets twice a year, is chaired by Giles Pavey (Unilever), and comprises 10 members plus the two CDT Directors. The members represent the views of all of InFoMM's partners. 

Current members are: 

Giles Pavey, Chair

Giles is Global Director of Data Science at Unilever. Prior to this he worked for the Department for Work and Pensions and for many years he was head of Analytics for Tesco owned Data Consultants – dunnhumby. Giles is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and Honorary Professor of Computer Science at UCL. His mathematical interest cover optimisation, forecasting, networks and the mathematics of machine learning.

Professor Chris Breward, CDT Director

Chris is Senior Research Fellow in Applied Mathematics and co-Director of InFoMM. His current research includes the mathematical modelling of industrial problems involving fluid mechanics and mass transfer. He is a Councillor of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and sits on the steering committee for the Newton Gateway to Mathematics.

Professor Colin Please, CDT Director

Colin is Professor of Applied Mathematics and co-Director of InFoMM. He works on the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena arising in practical problems and interpreting the results into the original context His research takes place at the interface of mathematics with other disciplines primarily engineering, and bio-science.

Nishtha Agarwal

Nishtha is a Research Portfolio Manager within the Mathematical Sciences theme at EPSRC. She looks after some of the Applied Maths portfolios including Maths Biology. She is also the fellowship contact for the theme and convener for Maths Early Career Forum.

Dr Uwe Beuscher

Uwe is a Technical Leader at W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., the world leader in fluoropolymer materials for a wide variety of applications. He leads the divisional Modeling & Simulation Team, which uses a multitude of Numerical Simulation and Mathematical Modeling techniques to support various product and technology development projects. In addition, he champions the Gore Mercury Control System Development Project, which explores novel ways to remove Mercury and SO2 from flue gases and waste gas streams.

Dr Dayal Gunasekera

Dayal is the Petrotechnical Suite Product Manager at Schlumberger. He has over 30 years of oil and gas industry experience with Schlumberger spanning: mathematical modelling, software engineering, competency management and general management.

John Holden

As Chief Commercial Officer at NAG, John is responsible for the company’s commercial strategy overseeing sales, services and product management.  John has a passion for bringing new technologies to market working with academic and commercial partners for Algorithmic Differentiation, Cloud Computing and HPC he has secured major client successes for NAG across Financial Services, Oil & Gas and many 'Top Technology' companies.

Dr Robert Leese

Robert is Chief Technical Officer at the Smith Institute and a Fellow of St Catherine's College, Oxford.  The Smith Institute is an independent company working with companies and government in multiple sectors, to address challenges in optimization, forecasting, algorithms and machine learning.

Rosie Prior

Rosie is the Innovation and Partnerships Manager at dunnhumby, within the Global Data Science Leadership Team. Her main remit is to identify and provide the environment for innovative data science research.

Peter Roberts

Peter is a Civil Engineer turned Naval Architect who joined the Offshore Industry in 1972-ish and retired, after a fashion, in 2014 when he and his colleagues were able to sell their deep-water diver-less connector business. Peter re-invested some of the proceeds into two-start-ups, a low-head hydropower company and a deep-water gas pipeline NDT technology company. Peter oversees the development of these two start-ups.

Jon Salkeld

Jon has responsibility for scientific innovations, strategic university & external partnerships for bp. He joined bp in 2011 as the global head of product development for automotive lubricants, before moving to the disruptive innovation group Castrol innoVentures. There he was responsible for developing the ‘Beyond Internal Combustion’ concept, which founded bp’s Advanced Mobility Unit (AMU), for which he served as Technology Director.

Sumanth Swaminathan

Sumanth is a digital health entrepreneur with extensive experience in the development and commercialization of machine-learning backed software applications for real-time, early detection and care of chronic and infectious disease. He has Co-Founded and successfully managed multiple healthcare technology startups, and he has over a decade of product and business development experience in past roles as a technology consultant, chief data scientist, and CEO.

Dr Aasgeir Valderhaug

Aasgeir is the Director R&D for Elkem ASA, Norway, and has been working for Elkem in research and technology development for 30 years. He is responsible for Elkem’s Corporate R&D programs on process development for core processes and on developing carbon neutral production technologies for silicon alloys. 


For more information about the Industrial Engagement Committee, please email @email

Last updated on 2 Apr 2022, 9:54pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.