Industrial Enrichment Programmes

Industrial Enrichment Programme 1:

IEP1 happens during the induction week and over the Christmas break between the core courses and specialist courses. 

Our industry Partners deliver half day sessions where students examine the company, the sector in which it operates, and its major challenges (each session involves presentations followed by group tasks). These are interwoven with short courses such as:

  • Communicating mathematical ideas to non-mathematicians (Whizz Education)
  • How to engage with Industry (Smith Institute)
  • Top Down Thinking (PA Consulting)

Industrial Enrichment Programme 2:

IEP 2 happens over the Easter break between specialist courses and the first mini-projects.

Students undertake two partner site-visits and select an eight-day programme from a suite of enrichment courses.

The portfolio of courses currently arranged for the CDT are:

  • Decision-Making in Large Companies (Colin Bennett)
  • Strategy: the use of Tools and Models (Leonardo)
  • Business Development in SMEs (Cellesce)
  • Technology Project Management (BP)
  • Making Big Decisions with Uncertain Information: an Oil Industry Perspective (BP)
  • Optimization in Wireless Communication Systems (BT)
  • Solving Problems in Fusion Plasma (CCFE)
  • Customer Science: the Maths of Consumer Data (Giles Pavey)
  • Mathematical and Computational Modelling for Drug Discovery (e-Therapeutics)
  • Handing Large Datasets in Financial Markets (HSBC)
  • MPI for High Performance Computing (NAG)
  • Using the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB (NAG)
  • Mathematics in Consulting (PA Consulting)
  • Reservoir Simulation of Oil and Gas Fields (Schlumberger)
  • STAR-CCM+ Training (Siemens)
  • Demand Forecasting in Retail (Tesco)

Graduate Modelling Camp & UK Study Group

During the Easter break or between the mini-projects students participate in the UK Graduate Modelling Camp before taking part in the UK Study Group with Industry. In addition to tackling topical problems from industry, these two events hone the students’ problem-solving, teamworking and presentational skills and connects them with the wider UK industrial mathematics community.

Last updated on 2 Apr 2022, 9:54pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.