Tue, 07 Nov 2017

14:30 - 15:00

Monte Carlo integration: variance reduction by function approximation

Yuji Nakatsukasa
(University of Oxford)

Classical algorithms for numerical integration (quadrature/cubature) proceed by approximating the integrand with a simple function (e.g. a polynomial), and integrate the approximant exactly. In high-dimensional integration, such methods quickly become infeasible due to the curse of dimensionality.

A common alternative is the Monte Carlo method (MC), which simply takes the average of random samples, improving the estimate as more and more samples are taken. The main issue with MC is its slow "sqrt(variance/#samples)" convergence, and various techniques have been proposed to reduce the variance.

In this work we reveal a numerical analyst's interpretation of MC: it approximates the integrand with a simple(st) function, and integrates that function exactly. This observation leads naturally to MC-like methods that combines MC with function approximation theory, including polynomial approximation and sparse grids. The resulting method can be regarded as another variance reduction technique for Monte Carlo.

Wed, 25 Oct 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Trees, Lattices and Superrigidity

Elia Fioravanti
(University of Oxford)

If $G$ is an irreducible lattice in a semisimple Lie group, every action of $G$ on a tree has a global fixed point. I will give an elementary discussion of Y. Shalom's proof of this result, focussing on the case of $SL_2(\mathbb{R}) \times SL_2(\mathbb{R})$. Emphasis will be placed on the geometric aspects of the proof and on the importance of reduced cohomology, while other representation theoretic/functional analytic tools will be relegated to a couple of black boxes.

Wed, 18 Oct 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Conformal dimension

David Hume
(University of Oxford)

I will present a gentle introduction to the theory of conformal dimension, focusing on its applications to the boundaries of hyperbolic groups, and the difficulty of classifying groups whose boundaries have conformal dimension 1.

Tue, 24 Oct 2017

14:30 - 15:00

Network Block Decomposition for Revenue Management

Jaroslav Fowkes
(University of Oxford)

In this talk we introduce a novel dynamic programming (DP) approximation that exploits the inherent network structure present in revenue management problems. In particular, our approximation provides a new lower bound on the value function for the DP, which enables conservative revenue forecasts to be made. Existing state of the art approximations of the revenue management DP neglect the network structure, apportioning the prices of each product, whereas our proposed method does not: we partition the network of products into clusters by apportioning the capacities of resources. Our proposed approach allows, in principle, for better approximations of the DP to be made than the decomposition methods currently implemented in industry and we see it as an important stepping stone towards better approximate DP methods in practice.

Tue, 24 Oct 2017

14:00 - 14:30

Gaussian Processes for Demand Unconstraining

Ilan Price
(University of Oxford)

One of the key challenges in revenue management is unconstraining demand data. Existing state of the art single-class unconstraining methods make restrictive assumptions about the form of the underlying demand and can perform poorly when applied to data which breaks these assumptions. In this talk, we propose a novel unconstraining method that uses Gaussian process (GP) regression. We develop a novel GP model by constructing and implementing a new non-stationary covariance function for the GP which enables it to learn and extrapolate the underlying demand trend. We show that this method can cope with important features of realistic demand data, including nonlinear demand trends, variations in total demand, lengthy periods of constraining, non-exponential inter-arrival times, and discontinuities/changepoints in demand data. In all such circumstances, our results indicate that GPs outperform existing single-class unconstraining methods.

Tue, 17 Oct 2017

14:30 - 15:00

White Noise Coupling for Multilevel Monte Carlo

Matteo Croci
(University of Oxford)

In this talk we describe a new approach that enables the use of elliptic PDEs with white noise forcing to sample Matérn fields within the multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) framework.

When MLMC is used to quantify the uncertainty in the solution of PDEs with random coefficients, two key ingredients are needed: 1) a sampling technique for the coefficients that satisfies the MLMC telescopic sum and 2) a numerical solver for the forward PDE problem.

When the dimensionality of the uncertainty in the problem is infinite (i.e. coefficients are random fields), the sampling techniques commonly used in the literature are Karhunen–Loève expansions or circulant embeddings. In the specific case in which the coefficients are Gaussian fields of Mat ́ern covariance structure another sampling technique available relies on the solution of a linear elliptic PDE with white noise forcing.

When the finite element method (FEM) is used for the forward problem, the latter option can become advantageous as elliptic PDEs can be quickly and efficiently solved with the FEM, the sampling can be performed in parallel and the same FEM software can be used without the need for external packages. However, it is unclear how to enforce a good stochastic coupling of white noise between MLMC levels so as to respect the MLMC telescopic sum. In this talk we show how this coupling can be enforced in theory and in practice.

Fri, 17 Nov 2017

14:15 - 15:15

Toward attaining turbulent dynamos in the laboratory

Vassillios Dallas
(University of Oxford)

The existence of planetary and stellar magnetic fields is attributed to the dynamo instability, the mechanism by which a background turbulent flow spontaneously generates a magnetic field by the constructive refolding of magnetic field lines. Many efforts have been made by several experimental groups to reproduce the dynamo instability in the laboratory using liquid metals. However, so far, unconstrained dynamos driven by turbulent flows have not been achieved in the intrinsically low magnetic Prandtl number $P_m$ (i.e. $Pm = Rm/Re << 1$) laboratory experiments. In this seminar I will demonstrate that the critical magnetic Reynolds number $Rm_c$ for turbulent non-helical dynamos in the low $P_m$ limit can be significantly reduced if the flow is submitted to global rotation. Even for moderate rotation rates the required energy injection rate can be reduced by a factor more than 1000. Our finding thus points into a new paradigm for the design of new liquid metal dynamo experiments.

Tue, 21 Nov 2017

15:45 - 16:45

Mirror symmetry, mixed motives and zeta(3)

Wenzhe Yang
(University of Oxford)

In mirror symmetry, the prepotential on the Kahler side has an expansion, the constant term of which is a rational multiple of zeta(3)/(2 pi i)^3 after an integral symplectic transformation. In this talk I will explain the connection between this constant term and the period of a mixed Hodge-Tate structure constructed from the limit MHS at large complex structure limit on the complex side. From Ayoub’s works on nearby cycle functor, there exists an object of Voevodsky’s category of mixed motives such that the mixed Hodge-Tate structure is expected to be a direct summand of the third cohomology of its Hodge realisation. I will present the connections between this constant term and conjecture about how mixed Tate motives sit inside Voevodsky’s category, which will also provide a motivic interpretation to the occurrence of zeta(3) in prepotential. 

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