Tue, 17 Jun 2014

17:00 - 18:00

The Springer Correspondence and Poisson homology

Prof. Travis Schedler.
(University of Texas at Austin)

The Springer Correspondence relates irreducible representations of the Weyl group of a semisimple complex Lie algebra to the geometry of the cone of nilpotent elements of the Lie algebra. The zeroth Poisson homology of a variety is the quotient of all functions by those spanned by Poisson brackets of functions. I will explain a conjecture with Proudfoot, based on a conjecture of Lusztig, that assigns a grading to the irreducible representations of the Weyl group via the Poisson homology of the nilpotent cone. This conjecture is a kind of symplectic duality between this nilpotent cone and that of the Langlands dual. An analogous statement for hypertoric varieties is a theorem, which relates a hypertoric variety with its Gale dual, and assigns a second grading to its de Rham cohomology, which turns out to coincide with a different grading of Denham using the combinatorial Laplacian.

Mon, 16 Jun 2014

14:00 - 15:00

Weighted norms and decay properties for solutions of the Boltzmann equation

Prof. Irene M. Gamba
(University of Texas at Austin)

We will discuss recent results regarding generation and propagation of summability of moments to solution of the Boltzmann equation for variable hard potentials.
These estimates are in direct connection to the understanding of high energy tails and decay rates to equilibrium.

Mon, 19 May 2014

12:00 - 13:00

Hyperkahler Sigma Model and Field Theory on Gibbons-Hawking Spaces

Anindya Dey
(University of Texas at Austin)
We will introduce a deformed version of the 3d hyperkahler sigma model which arises from the compactification of d=4,N=2 gauge theories on a Gibbons-Hawking space. After discussing extensions of the relevant hyperkahler identities from the standard story, we will derive the condition for which the deformed sigma model preserves 4 out of the 8 supercharges. Using supersymmetry considerations, we will also demonstrate that the contribution of the NUT center to the sigma model path integral is a holomorphic section of a certain holomorphic line bundle over the hyperkahler target. As a concrete example, we will discuss the case where the original 4d theory is a U(1) super Yang-Mills and show that the NUT center contribution in this case is the Jacobi theta function.
Thu, 06 Jun 2013

14:00 - 15:00
Gibson Grd floor SR

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Modeling the Coastal Ocean

Professor Clint Dawson
(University of Texas at Austin)

The coastal ocean contains a diversity of physical and biological

processes, often occurring at vastly different scales. In this talk,

we will outline some of these processes and their mathematical

description. We will then discuss how finite element methods are used

in coastal ocean modeling and recent research into

improvements to these algorithms. We will also highlight some of the

successes of these methods in simulating complex events, such as

hurricane storm surges. Finally, we will outline several interesting

challenges which are ripe for future research.

Tue, 19 Jan 2010

14:00 - 15:00

Discovery of Mechanisms from Mathematical Modeling of DNA Microarray Data by Using Matrix and Tensor Algebra: Computational Prediction and Experimental Verification

Dr Orly Alter
(University of Texas at Austin)

Future discovery and control in biology and medicine will come from

the mathematical modeling of large-scale molecular biological data,

such as DNA microarray data, just as Kepler discovered the laws of

planetary motion by using mathematics to describe trends in

astronomical data. In this talk, I will demonstrate that

mathematical modeling of DNA microarray data can be used to correctly

predict previously unknown mechanisms that govern the activities of

DNA and RNA.

First, I will describe the computational prediction of a mechanism of

regulation, by using the pseudoinverse projection and a higher-order

singular value decomposition to uncover a genome-wide pattern of

correlation between DNA replication initiation and RNA expression

during the cell cycle. Then, I will describe the recent

experimental verification of this computational prediction, by

analyzing global expression in synchronized cultures of yeast under

conditions that prevent DNA replication initiation without delaying

cell cycle progression. Finally, I will describe the use of the

singular value decomposition to uncover "asymmetric Hermite functions,"

a generalization of the eigenfunctions of the quantum harmonic

oscillator, in genome-wide mRNA lengths distribution data.

These patterns might be explained by a previously undiscovered asymmetry

in RNA gel electrophoresis band broadening and hint at two competing

evolutionary forces that determine the lengths of gene transcripts.

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