Tue, 23 Oct 2018

Decidability of continuous theories of operator expansions of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces

Alexander Ivanov

We study continuous theories of classes of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces expanded by 
a finite family (of a fixed size) of unitary operators. 
Infinite dimensional models of these theories are called pseudo finite dimensional dynamical Hilbert spaces. 
Our main results connect decidability questions of these theories with the topic of approximations of groups by metric groups. 

Thu, 31 Oct 2013

17:15 - 18:15

Positive characteristic version of Ax's theorem

Piotr Kowalski

Ax's theorem on the dimension of the intersection of an algebraic subvariety and a formal subgroup (Theorem 1F in "Some topics in differential algebraic geometry I...") implies Schanuel type transcendence results for a vast class of formal maps (including exp on a semi-abelian variety). Ax stated and proved this theorem in the characteristic 0 case, but the statement is meaningful for arbitrary characteristic and still implies positive characteristic transcendence results. I will discuss my work on positive characteristic version of Ax's theorem.

Thu, 28 Feb 2008

Zariski reducts of o-minimal structures

Piotr Kowalski

This is joint work with Assaf Hasson. We consider non-locally modular strongly minimal reducts of o-minimal expansions of reals. Under additional assumptions we show they have a Zariski structure.

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