Multiplicities is a broad audience seminar series geared towards transversal topics whose aim is to highlight the diversity of mathematics and mathematicians. It is especially intended for PhD students, interested in widening their horizons. Full list of seminars here

Call for applications now open.

Thanks to the continued generosity of the Liber Foundation, the London Mathematical Society is delighted to announce that it will again be able to award a number of Emmy Noether Fellowships in 2021, up to a total of £25,000.

The deadline for nominations for the LMS/IMA David Crighton Medal in 2021 is 28th February. The Medal is awarded for services both to mathematics and to the mathematical community, to a mathematician normally resident in the UK. 

Here’s your chance to hone your science communication skills with the longest running science communication competition in the world – FameLab.

For the first time the Oxford competition will be hosted by the History of Science Museum, the world's oldest surviving purpose-built museum. You will have just three minutes to explain a concept on science, mathematics or engineering without using PowerPoint – showcasing your content, clarity and charisma!

We are delighted to announce PROMYS Europe Connect for 2021.

In view of continuing restrictions and uncertainty around Covid-19, we are designing PROMYS Europe Connect as a unique 4-week online programme that captures many of the key elements of the usual PROMYS Europe experience. PROMYS Europe is a challenging mathematics summer programme based at the University of Oxford, UK.

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