Tue, 27 Apr 2010

15:45 - 16:45

Isotopy of Lagrangian submanifolds

Jonny Evans

Lagrangian submanifolds are an important class of objects in symplectic geometry. They arise in diverse settings: as vanishing cycles in complex algebraic geometry, as invariant sets in integrable systems, as Heegaard tori in Heegaard-Floer theory and of course as "branes" in the A-model of mirror symmetry. We ask the difficult question: when are two Lagrangian submanifolds isotopic? Restricting to the simplest case of Lagrangian spheres in rational surfaces we will give examples where this question has a complete answer. We will also give some very pictorial examples (due to Seidel) illustrating how two Lagrangians can fail to be isotopic.

Tue, 09 Feb 2010

14:30 - 15:30

Combinatorial theorems in random sets

David Conlon

The famous theorem of Szemerédi says that for any natural number $k$ and any $a>0$ there exists $n$ such that if $N\ge n$ then any subset $A$ of the set $[N] =\{1, 2,\ldots , N\}$ of size $|A| \ge a N$ contains an arithmetic progression of length $k$. We consider the question of when such a theorem holds in a random set. More precisely, we say that a set $X$ is $(a, k)$-Szemerédi if every subset $Y$ of $X$ that contains at least $a|X|$ elements contains an arithmetic progression of length $k$. Let $[N]_p$ be the random set formed by taking each element of $[N]$ independently with probability $p$. We prove that there is a threshold at about $p = N^{-1/(k-1)}$ where the probability that $[N]_p$ is $(a, k)$-Szemerédi changes from being almost surely 0 to almost surely 1.

There are many other similar problems within combinatorics. For example, Turán’s theorem and Ramsey’s theorem may be relativised, but until now the precise probability thresholds were not known. Our method seems to apply to all such questions, in each case giving the correct threshold. This is joint work with Tim Gowers.

Tue, 09 Mar 2010

Characterization and Rigidity of the Kerr-Newman Solution

Willie W. Wong

A celebrated result in mathematical general relativity is the uniqueness of the Kerr(-Newman) black-holes as regular solutions to the stationary and axially-symmetric Einstein(-Maxwell) equations. The axial symmetry can be removed if one invokes Hawking's rigidity theorem. Hawking's theorem requires, however, real analyticity of the solution. A recent program of A. Ionescu and S. Klainerman seeks to remove the analyticity requirement in the vacuum case. They were able to show that any smooth extension of "Kerr data" prescribed on the horizon, satisfying the Einstein vacuum equations, must be Kerr, using a characterization of Kerr metric due to M. Mars. In this talk I will give a characterization for the Kerr-Newman metric, and extend the rigidity result to cover the electrovacuum case.

Tue, 16 Feb 2010

17:00 - 18:00

Monstrous moonshine and black holes

John Duncan

\ \ In 1939 Rademacher derived a conditionally convergent series expression for the modular j-invariant, and used this expression---the first Rademacher sum---to verify its modular invariance. We may attach Rademacher sums to other discrete groups of isometries of the hyperbolic plane, and we may ask how the automorphy of the resulting functions reflects the geometry of the group in question.


\ \ In the case of a group that defines a genus zero quotient of the hyperbolic plane the relationship is particularly striking. On the other hand, of the common features of the groups that arise in monstrous moonshine, the genus zero property is perhaps the most elusive. We will illustrate how Rademacher sums elucidate this phenomena by using them to formulate a characterization of the discrete groups of monstrous moonshine.


\ \ A physical interpretation of the Rademacher sums comes into view when we consider black holes in the context of three dimensional quantum gravity. This observation, together with the application of Rademacher sums to moonshine, amounts to a new connection between moonshine, number theory and physics, and furnishes applications in all three fields.

Tue, 17 Nov 2009

14:30 - 15:30

Higher Order Tournaments

Imre Leader
Given $n$ points in general position in the plane, how many of the triangles formed by them can contain the origin? This problem was solved 25 years ago by Boros and Furedi, who used a beautiful translation of the problem to a non-geometric setting. The talk will start with background, including this result, and will then go on to consider what happens in higher dimensions in the geometric and non-geometric cases.
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